About Me:

I am a Senior Consultant Physician specializing in Emergency Medical Care working in a Corporate Hospital* in the city**. Daily I see not less than 20 serious accident cases admitted in the ICU.

My work:

My work comprises of treating seriously ill patients in the ICU after admission; attending the courts for medico-legal cases (giving expert opinion).

My observation:

Most of the accidents are caused by carelessness especially Road Traffic Accidents. Very often these accidents are caused when talking on the Mobile Phone while driving. This is against the law and very risky too. It can easily lead someone into the ICU.

Now- a- days even school boys and girls drive two-wheelers (often without a driving license). Children don’t have the maturity to think about the implications of over-speeding or cutting lanes. Parents should think twice about giving vehicles to their children to drive as they endanger not only their own lives and limb, but that of other road users too. It is no use influencing the police or throwing your weight around after an accident. The harm is already done and someone suffers due to somebody’s negligence, which was preventable.

I wish to create a sense of awareness among the general public on Personal Safety and Safe Driving Habits by a series of Talks and Lectures in open forum, Schools and Colleges, Clubs, Social Gatherings, TV, Radio Talk Shows etc

Another trend I have seen lately is the rise in suicidal tendency on even small frustrations of life (among all age groups generally and especially youth – college students). They need proper guidance from time to time rather than criticism of their behavior, or failures. Otherwise they end up in the ICU in a critical state.

Also workers should use proper safety equipment - eye goggles, safety shoes, helmets, safety clothes, gloves etc and use proper tools. The contractors or factory owners should not only provide these without compromising on safety of their work force but also ensure that safety equipment is properly used. Otherwise people will land up in the ICU.

Animal lovers and pet lovers are often at risk from their own pets. So be careful when handling them.

Statistics of very serious cases seen in November 2008.

Complications of Accidents-phycical injury .. 6. Road traffic accidents .. 30. Stab injury .. 1. Self poisoning .. 7. Bites-snake bite .. 1. -? scorpion sting .. 1. Diabetes - complications like Diabetic Ketoacidosis .. 12. Hypertension (incl.Crisis) .. 18.

From my vast experience of working in the ICU I have one message to all out there:

Be safe rather than sorry. Remember Safety First and Always. --Dr.PrabhuMD (talk) 11:50, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

 * Name of the Hospital and **City name purposely not mentioned as it constitutes advertising.--Dr.PrabhuMD (talk)

My other hobbies and interests

Photography and Travel. I like Old Classical Music and reading Self Improvement Books.

Topics that Interest me most: I believe in Life after Life and like to read on Human Mind-Brain Power Development (Stimulation)--Dr.PrabhuMD (talk) 02:20, 13 December 2008 (UTC)