This template converts Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) to Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.). It should work for any whole number from 1 to 4,999,999. For numbers 5000 and above, the high thousands are indicated with Roman numerals under 5000 with a macron.

Examples of Roman numeral conversion
Arabic Numerals Template Call Roman Numerals
1 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|1}} I
2 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|2}} II
49 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|49}} XLIX
50 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|50}} L
51 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|51}} LI
1024 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|1024}} MXXIV
4999 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|4999}} MMMMCMXCIX
5000 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|5000}} V
5001 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|5001}} VI
1048576 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|1048576}} MXLVMMMDLXXVI
7654321 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|7654321}} N/A
7654321 {{User:Dpv/Test Roman|7654321|No such Roman numerals}} No such Roman numerals