Dovid Yehoshua (Hebrew, דוד יהושע, last name Orenstein) (born in 1984) is a very popular, internationally known Orthodox Jewish Israeli/Anglo recording artist, and musical entertainer. Through both his parents he is of Ashkenazi with both ties to Ger_(Hasidic_dynasty) and Satmar (Hasidic dynasty)

Who is Dovid Yehoshua?


"Music has been the fire burning inside me for as long as I can remember," expresses Dovid Yehoshua, and his life story certainly attests to this.

Born in London, 1984/5744, Dovid was immediately embraced into a home filled with music. Soon after his third birthday the vivacious child discovered his love for music when he was presented with his first set of drums. To accompany his playing, he sang, and his first solo performance was at the age of four when he suddenly walked over to the band at a public function and took the microphone. The crowd loved it! It didn't take long until his many other talents were spotted as well.

After moving to Manchester a few years later, Dovid began flourishing in various musical fields. Aside from developing his drumming prowess, Dovid progressed by studying piano and bass guitar. During his high school years, the young musician was a member of the school's choir, in which he developed his fine tenor voice. Positioned as a soloist, he appeared at many community and national showcases and concerts. Being a skilled percussionist secured him a position in the school orchestra as well, where he set the beat at many performances and seasoned with the “National Jewish Youth Orchestra of Great Britain and Ireland” which added another string to his bow! Nearing his graduation from high school, Dovid was required to submit original pieces of music, and so he began composing in a variety of styles, ranging from classical to modern.

What about the album?


“An outlet that would express his love for Torah and his love for music as one.”

Determined to find an outlet that would express his love for Torah and his love for music as one, he began performing at weddings and leading the prayers at Shuls (synagogues). It wasn't long before he was introduced to a music producer, Mitch Clyman (Muso Production Ltd), who assisted Dovid in turning his portfolio of compositions into a debut album – "Vesechezena Einenu – Witnessing Eyes".

"This album is the expression of my soul," states Dovid. "The words are old and beautiful, and have as much if not more meaning today then they did when they were first written on paper. Their meaning resonates with the music. The rhythms are fresh and exciting. The songs are alive for today."

Multi-style Dovid!


The style of the songs on the album vary, which style is really Dovid Yehoshua?

The songs in this inspiring album were influenced by a wide range of styles, including classical, blues, jazz and country, to name a few. "Jewish music," he says, "is a random match of different styles of music throughout history, whether it's influenced by classical, modern or other religious music. Jews have always been influenced by the world around them and the music that bombards our day to day living through the media or as we are walking in the street. Our job is to find the truth in the music and find our way of using it to connect to G-d."

The words of the songs show a desire to bless G-d, to feel close and connect with Him. Dovid hopes that his music will help channel the aspirations of Jews across the world to a greater spiritual existence. "With such heartfelt joy may we all be blessed to witness the Geula (redemption), speedily and in our days!"


  • Witnessing Eyes - ותחזינה עינינו, 2008/5768

1. Lecha Dodi 2. Yerushalayim 3. Witnessing Eyes 4. Prozot 5. Shir HaMa’alot 6. Hamavdil 7. Kain Tihiyeh Lanu 8. Asher Bara V’yizku 9. V’rastich Li 10. V’yizku

