Purpose Contribution Meaning.

The digital age has spread throughout the world at an astonishing, exponential rate. Are we really increasing our communication? Are we really More Connected?

I am observing something that I feel is an increasing threat to the fabric of our society: the loss of accountability, the loss of a shared sense of decency, of community, and a mutual respect and a pervasive, governing code of honor shared and upheld amongst all fellow human beings. (with exceptions: sociopaths and other definable deviant behavior(s).)

Ethicists are correct in pointing out the obvious: we have embraced a technology just because it’s there, not because it’s good for us; not because of its virtue(s), or, otherwise, so called, benefits to society.

We were, for hundreds of thousands of years, a nomadic people; a product of a natural force, an alchemy of the needs of interdependence; each individual was a part of a cooperative Whole.

We were hunters, and gatherers; we grouped together to defeat our enemies; we hunted the Saber Tooth Tiger as a team…

Intimate groups are what, historically, has enabled Us to Evolve, to Survive: the sum of all of its parts (many individuals working in tandem and cohesiveness) becoming a Grater Whole.

With very little effort at doing so, we can now actually go for days without the necessity of muttering a single vibrant word to another human being.

I am completely fascinated, better yet, dumb founded ,why it is, that I receive [texts] all throughout the day… even from close family members? Although, I have said many of times: “Hey, if you would please, when you have a need to speak to me, just call me, instead? It would be nice to hear you on the phone rather than reading symbols on a hand held device.”

To my chagrin, I have given up. I did for a long time, not text back, but rather, just called the texting individual right away, for I knew that they were probably available to pick up the phone, since, they were just now sending me a text. And, amazingly enough, with great confusion, and a lumbering unidentifiable, sense of sadness, I simply would just hang up.

Well, as you may well guess, this behavior was frowned upon. Shortly, or even within a couple of days, I would receive hostile complaints… usually via texts, of course, asking me why I didn’t [talk to them?]

Have you, ever noticed what damage can be done to one another when we attempt to have an intense conversation with a person via texts? It almost always, ends up to be a complete disaster, with both parties feeling Hurt and out-of-sorts.

Well, at this point, I would say basically nothing. It is as if I need to come up with an excuse for a God given natural drive for community, for connection and relationship.

Of course, I am well aware that there are still benefits to “messaging”; like this very message that I am writing at this very moment. 

However, we all need to step back for a moment, and ask ourselves, if perhaps there is something rotting before our very eyes; something going horribly wrong with the onslaught of the age of digital communication(s). A technology that seems to be using us rather than us using It.

Sincerely Yours,

Douglas Sharp Sr. 12-27-2015