this is the exact interview of ABS-CBN TV Patrol Star Patroler Kara Mae Noveda to Dr. Xavier G. Solis last July...

1. Please tell me about yourself...How did you end up in medicine? How old have you been in the practice? 2. Did you always want to be a doctor?

I’m Dr. Xavier Gonzalez Solis, a doctor of dental medicine, in shorter term dentist! With special studies of Orthodontics and Temporomanibular joint Dysfunction Management and had Units in Masters of Medical Anthropology and Units in Masters of Public Health. I just recently finished also a certificate course in Medical Transcription. I would be turning 26 this coming august 30 (a Virgo). I’m the youngest and the only son of Retired S/Insp. Valentin Galvez Solis and Retired Master Teacher Liberty Solis, amongst my two other siblings, Engr. Ingrid Solis-Ritchie, a license civil engineer who is now in New Zealand studying again to become an Occupational Therapist and Anabel, civil engineer graduate who now works in MCWD who at the same time part-time teacher in Salazar Institute of Technology. How do I end up in dentistry? It has been my goal to become a doctor since I was a child aside from having other ambitions to become a pilot, even priest and lawyer (which I am still considering in the near future). Crossroads went when I was about to be enrolled in college I wanted to take up IT courses specifically Computer Science because way back in 1997 when I graduated from high school it is when IT jobs was enormously booming and had influenced me, but my parents did not agree for they cannot see much future in it and you will not have a title (classical indication of being successful and professional). So I said I’ll take up computer engineering at least “ENGR.” even though I really don’t like to be an engineer because as stated earlier my two sisters are already engineers, as well as most of my cousins. Waaaaahhh… I have to be unique and be different form them. But when enrollment came and seen the prospectus, it was full of mathematics which I would really proudly say that I am weak in it! Hehe… so I backed out and decided to take up political science to become a lawyer but my parents would tell me that life is short and we would not really know what would happen so taking course for law would not be a wise decision because they might not be there to finance me, I should just take another course which would have a degree, and if ever I would still pursue law it would still be possible. From there, my agitation went down, I just then decided that I want to become a doctor… and boinks!!! Haven’t known that there would still be a four-year pre-med and so on ad so forth, so I just decided to take up any medical course that would prepare me for medicine and/or law, partially it was Medical Technology but sooner it was change to Dentistry… Why? Because in 6-year time I will have a title of “DR.” with a lesser stress (i assumed) and time and still can pursue my plans later if I wanted to do so. That ended me up to dentistry. Even though I’ve seen dentistry as an interim course, still, I do believe that in everything that you do you should put your all heart, effort or let us say your life in it to be the best, so that, there would be no regrets later, for as what they’ve said that the greatest regrets are not on the things that you have done but on the things you could have done. So as a student, I involve myself to various activities which would really develop and grow myself. Which, this is what I really wish most of the students would do now, that they should involve and try everything while they are in school, as to develop to the fullest their talents and capabilities which is of surely polish them to a better person in the future. Going back, as a student I tried to be part of the world renounced Southwestern University Dance troupe, even though I was not a good dancer I tried my best to be part of the performing team (to exempted form ROTC... hehe). I also got in the school paper, but, they have this ruling that if ever you are in the publication you are not allowed to run for Supreme Student Government. So I had to choose between the two accordingly I decided that I would run for an office for the reason that I want to serve my campus and fellow students while representing their voices. I had this superhero complex that I want to help everyone, I’ve got this sentiment, and I also submitted myself to God, to be His instrument here on earth. And He did not fail me for my whole duration in college, I run for office every year and have always been elected. My students days was really a hectic one, not just because of school activities, but I also had to admit that I also go out and party a lot, because I also had this line “as a student, you should party hard, study harder, pray hardest” hehehe… For there is no reason that you can stay awake till dawn just to party and then you cannot spend succeeding nights, even until midnight only to read and browse through your lessons. I see to it that I should not forget my studies for that is the main and major purpose while I am in school and it would be the best way to repay my parents who had given me all the support, so in return I want them be proud of me, that in fact I was a nominee for the Top Outstanding Students of the Philippines. Graduated, took the board exam in manila and went back to Cebu, even with out the results of the board exam I volunteered myself in a community-based health NGO. Bored of just doing nothing and still got the routines of studying everyday from the 7-month review in manila, I decided to enroll myself in Masters of Public Health for even I would not be a medical doctor, I can still have the mastery of health not just for my practice but as well as for the community. Since it was a masteral course it has only few subjects, I still have much of a free time, so I also enrolled myself in course for the specialization in my practice, that explains my special studies in Orthodontics. With that I have been a full-time volunteer as a health services officer in Visayas Primary Health Care Services, since, it is a community-based health NGO, what it does, is we promote primary health care in the community, thus, together with the Medical team I conducted dental services in almost all municipalities of Cebu and Bohol and the rest of Region VII. We also conduct trainings in Basic Health Skills on Community Health Workers at areas of concern. And I facilitated seminar-workshops in Reproductive Health on Leaders of various People’s Organization in the Visayas with forte in Gender Sensitivity, Human Sexuality, Reproductive Tract Infection, Adolescent Reproductive Health and Men’s Involvement in Reproductive Health. And lastly we educate and raise awareness of health students and professionals for community health to be able to identify their role in improving the health situation. It has been like that, while I was doing my private practice as an Associate Dentist in a friend’s clinic and later in Prime.Care Polyclinic at SM City Cebu. Later, my time with the NGO gradually lessen for I had an opportunity in Gullas – College of Dentistry to teach Orthodontics and Community Dentistry where I can confidently say, is the branches of dentistry where I have mastery in. It is also there, I had the chance to handle Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology & Parasitology in the University of the Visayas – College of Nursing. Because of teaching I was not having more time in the community service, but, I do believe my community now is the school, it is where I could influence more people… with my students, I could share with them, that since they are in the medical field they should not forget that health is for everyone, as what Hippocrates has said and it is in our oath in the profession that providing care has known no boundaries, even if their would be differences in cultures, political standing, principles and even family names… hehehe… and that providing care to people who least expect our help is the greatest fulfillment of all. And also now that I am dealing with the youth inside the school I always encouraged them to make the most out of the possible resource they have now, and optimize every chance they can have for being a youth, being a youth, they are having the prime and should do the most out of it as I’ve the said that regrets are not on the things you’ve done but on the things that could have been done. That is why now, I am greatly entertaining other possible options to make most of my time and energy.

3. What are your different occupations right now? 4. Why weren't you just satisfied with clinic work?

Again, I’ll answer both questions at the same time. As of the moment I am having my full-time jobs! Even though they are part-time I would say that it is a full-time because when you say a part-time it would condition yourself to only work or do it also partially… And all my jobs right now, I am doing it with all efforts and dedication. Basically, as stated I am a dentist by profession, I have my own clinic (Dr. Xavier G. Solis Dental Care Clinic) situated just a few steps from our home. It opens everyday but my mother who happens to be a receptionist/secretary, where it is also therapeutic so that her mind and body would continually be working, for she is a retired teacher. She usually receives and schedules my patient as so that it would not be in conflict with my classes. My classes which are not everyday, usually three times per week are usually in the morning till early afternoon, for patients usually have there appointments late afternoon and after office hours, that explain why sometimes my clinic even closes at 9 PM. But patients are not that bountiful, that is why we also have to agree that everyday is not as hectic as shared. When the days I don’t have class I easily feel bored and would find my time and myself so unproductfull or useless so that is why I am venturing to other things that would keep me busy. I even considered myself to be working in a call center but because of its shifting schedule which would conflict with my classes makes it impossible. That lead me to study medical transcription where I had found out that MT companies still do have shifting schedules. During my free time I engaged in activities that would make me grow and develop myself to the fullest, a such continuing to take on organizations that would help me develop myself in its optimum potential while I am also helping them in return. A such I have supposedly came off with a TV network for a youth health show but their where some problems that it did not pursue, but recently we just conceptualized a new one hoping this time this would work out. I was not satisfied with my clinic work, for I am a very people person, even though in the clinic where you interact with the patients, but it is so minimal. I want to engage myself to more various people, for meeting a lot of people would also mean meeting different personality, attitude and principle that could change and equip me to be a better person in the future.

5. What's your view on the option of most medical professionals to go abroad?

Hmmmm… its quite difficult to answer that question, being a part of a faculty for nursing students which we all know they are heading to go out our country. In fact I had handled a class of medical practitioners who is taking up nursing. Before, I was very disappointed for professionals- medical or non-medical who took up nursing for the simple reason that they wanted to go abroad. Considering if you have noticed that our health professionals who truly serves the people are just a few and with our ailing health system that needs a lot of support and cooperation for us to achieve better health status, still they choose to go out of the country for their own self seeking reason and forgetting about their own country. But I had become to understand them or the situation they are in, I have seen that everyone as in, all are pushed to the brim. Why would you do some things here in our country, where you are expected to do more and yet paid so little. What I am just stressing is for those health practitioners who are here or still here to please give all their effort to aid our health status and if they are already out of the country that they should not forget what they have left and still would think of ways to help our country.

6. Why have you chosen to stay here?

I chose to stay here, for in my personal view, if you are there (outside the country), yes! it would pay and earn you a lot, but as I have said I am a people person, so being out there, would mean I will be away from my family whom I love most, my friends who I really treasure and other people who are close to my heart. I would not have the sweaty night parties, accessible white beaches and laid back coffee moments that I know are part of the things that money can’t buy. And with maximizing my time here in our country I still can be financially steady in my comfort zone. As of the moment, I really can’t picture my self to be not in Cebu. I would not trade a very ideal life here, it might not be perfect but contentment is the key. Added I still can’t conjure a total brain drain here, try to imagine if all health professional to be leaving our country, who would be left? So I choose to say, that heroic action it would be, but I am also offering this to God whom I know appreciated and acknowledge and be repaid in different forms. And yup being here might entail a lot of problems, but this is one thing I learn in life, that we should not run away from problems, because running away cannot solve the problem but facing it and finding resolution how to deal about the problem if not better is the best choice in dealing problems and pressures.

7. What are your different hobbies/sports?

I am a gym buff, for a fact I am currently enrolled into 3 gyms... I really love going to the gym but I love food and beer more… (hahahaha) that explains my body even if I’m grossly dedicated in the gym, except for this past couple of months, where I have been very preoccupied by some things. In the gym I am the cardio-type person. Treadmill, Crosstrainer, Rower and Bike take most of my time and if not in the gym, I still continue to do some cardio stuff, I jog in Cebu City Sports Complex or just take a brisk walk (even inside the malls, hehe). I am also into swimming, I swim a lot, that if I am quite bored in the pools around the city, I just go to our nice beaches in Mactan Island for a swim.

8. Top 3 favorite books? (could I possibly change it to author or writer?!?)

- Bob Ong’s Collection from ABNKKKBSNPLAko, Paboritong libro ni hudas, Bakit baliktad magbasa ng libro and Filipino, Alamat ng gubat (librong pangbata para sa matanda), and Stainless longganisa. I really love the way how he present things lightly and candidly but if you think profoundly, there is a very big impact and great point that he stresses that would really make you think a whole lot deeper.

- Dan Brown’s omnibus on Angel and Demon’s and Da Vinci Code, despite of criticisms that its fictions are so near to reality, I would say that would really test your faith to God and your open mindedness and to accept things in a more rational manner. Such as if ever Jesus did really get married with Mary Magdalene and they did have a child would it be impossible for him to become the son of God and still be able to save our sins?!?

- Margarita Go Sinco-Holmes’ “Life, love and lust”, “Bad, bold and brazen” and a whole lot more… need to explain further?!? Hehe…

9. Top 3 fave songs on your iPod?

Honestly?! Had a breakup though it’s been a while but I can’t really help/stop myself from listening to a bunch of mushy love songs. From “somebody” (depeche mode) which is our theme song to even “if ever your in my arms again” (Peabo Bryson) as a win back song or even “foolish” and “unfoolish” (Ashanti), “iris” (goo goo dolls) and “stay” (our very own cueshe). Now, I also listen to songs that would condition myself for a new relationship to come in, which I am greatly entertaining now.

Without the circumstance that I had, I am an extreme person when it comes to music, even if I don’t really sing. Because I believe if could sing I would have everything (hehehe) my choice of songs really varies… I love a lot of songs from different genres, depending on the mood / location even time of the day.

When I woke up, or even still asleep my sound machine is on 24/7 (this explains I can’t choose 3 favorite songs right away and needs a lot of explanations) I may say I’m the alternative type of guy, form foreign… “Perfect”, “I’ll be” and “Unwell”, to local… “Himala”, “Pare Ko” and recently “Tatsulok”. But when driving, im into hip hop… “Ridin Dirty”, “Tokyo Drift” and “Smack That” but when in the clinic or in the faculty room I go acoustic /love song again from foreign… “crazy fro you”, “truly madly deeply” and “every breath you take” and in local… “forevermore”, “closer you and I” and “Tuwing Umuulan at Kapiling Ka”

And in Sundays and times where I am so down and need some inspiration I go to Christian songs… “in your hands”, “you are the reason” and “I live to know you lord.”

10. Top 3 fave hangouts?

- to party ‘till vodka becomes my sweat… PASEO the newest place in town, obviously where the new place is, the crowd would follow! Therefore the hottest and yummiest people are also there. (wink)

- for laid back moments and just lazing around with my laptop… KENYA where you can just sit down for a coffee, milkshake or a bottle of beer and with its wi-fi connection downloading softwares for laptop- mobile phone- psp, songs, music videos, videos or just checking emails is really great while listening to an ear-friendly music. It is also a place where I do make my exams, prepare for my lessons and even compute for the grades. Hehe… (my students now know where to ambush me!)

- drinking sessions to be sober while having some intellectual discussions… MANGO SQUARE.

11. How long have you been teaching? What do you like most about it?

I have been teaching since summer of 2005, its still more over two years that I have been touching in a little way the lives of many students who have been under me. What I like most about it is that you deal with various personality, attitudes and cultures, because for the college of dentistry most of our students are Iranian, some are Korean and only a few are Filipinos. In this, we really have to be conscious that we don’t offend their culture in the same time showing to them the great traits of us Filipinos. It really needs a diverse of techniques so that students can easily understand the topics, added that they have difficulty in the English language. In the college of nursing, what makes it more fulfilling it is that you are teaching students who are older that you, as shared that professionals are now taking up nursing. It is really a great honor for persons older than you; some are even mothers/fathers to really behave in your class and getting their respect. And what is more touching is you know when you are teaching to students who already have families, you are not just teaching individuals but teaching a family as well. And in teaching it is not only the students learning from you, it is also you learning from them. Teaching for me is a vocation, it really takes a lot of effort, to prepare for your lesson and read more so that you can share more. Some of the school works are usually brought home, checking papers, assignments, reports and a whole lot more. But seeing your students understand and apply what you have taught them is much more of a payment, and that makes you fell proud and satisfied and motivates you to continue despite of the hardships.

12. Your affiliations? Explain your NGO connections?

I am serving the community in every opportunity at hand. It might be by invitation of politicians or private persons. Sometimes, when politicians invite me I usually have uncertainties because you can always have doubts on the intentions of these people if they are really for the service, or they might be using you for their own benefit, but what I put in mind is the end result… whatever would be the medium for me to serve the community, the output is that I have serve the community and make me feel fulfilled. Sometimes not appreciated but I know someone is watching my sincere actions and still believe that there is really no harm in doing good. I also join dental services of the Dental Societies here, (Cebu Dental Society & Mandaue Dental Society) where both societies are doing their best for the upliftment of the dental awareness not only in our province but as well the whole region. But my affiliation and my involvement is with Visayas Primary Health Care for they are the only community-based health program here in Cebu. That is why I am encouraging interested individual to engaged with them. Its mission, vision and goals are really for the betterment of the community, VPHCS is really the one who had shown me to apply the factual meaning of health… which is the TOTAL STATE OF WELL-BEING. It doesn’t follow that if you don’t have a disease you are already healthy but you should be on your total well being – physically, emotionally, spiritually, economically, politically and socially. After all, health should not be compartmentalized from any other issues of our daily life. A such, if a person has Tuberculosis and he died because of it, medically he died because of Mycobacterium tuberculae which is the causative agent, but did he really died because of it?... Because of complications! why where their complications? Have medicine has been given? So we would really dig the bottom cause. I have seen in a community-based health NGO they are really for the advancement of the community, why? For they don’t only provide one time medical-dental-surgical mission, they see the different aspects that had affected health. “If you bought fish to a community they can eat for a day, but if you teach them how to fish they can eat a lifetime” that is it! Community education and awareness is the key that is why, I encouraged my fellow health practitioner to involve their selves and share their knowledge to the community, for I believe that knowledge not shared is worthless. But there is a deeper problem in our communities. Why? For example in nutrition, they have already learned the proper foods to eat but unfortunately they don’t have the resources to buy these kinds of foods… ;-( So now, you can see that we really don’t have to help them in the health aspect alone but as well you have to look into their livelihood so that they can maintain a healthy status of living.

13. Educational background? More plans?

I started early in school I was 5 years old when I entered grade 1. I had my Elementary at Cebu City Central School, high school (Secondary Education major in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning) at Abellana National School, my college for Doctor of Dental Medicine at Southwestern University, Units in Masters in Medical Anthropology at University of San Carlos, Units in Masters of Public Health at University of the Philippines, Preceptorship in Orthodontics and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Management at Center for Advance Dental Studies and Certificate Course in Medical Transcription in Gullas – University of the Visayas. As of the moment I am really planning to finish my Masters in Public Health at UP and very much open to educate myself more in any fields. I had always believed as what my parents had always told me that education is the only thing that cannot be stolen from you. And yes while I am still capable and at my prime, as I have always said, I would really maximize my time as a youth for we only have one life so let us live it to the fullest. We have to involve ourselves for us to be a better person not just for ourselves but as will as for the people around us.

14. Immediate plans in the future?

I don’t usually plan except when I am inspired and motivated to do one… Why? Because if you plan and you cannot accomplish what you have considered then you will be greatly disappointed and discouraged thus it would hinder you to not continue what you are doing. I’ve learn to be contended of what I have and just to live life one day at a time, and make the most out of it. Just waking up everyday thinking how could I be a better person and how I could be of more help to the people around me, and hit upon that person where I can spend my future with.

15. Top 3 movies?

- “Pursuit of HappYness”, a movie of motivation and persistence and positive outlook. This is what I believe in, that even though if you have nothing, but if you just keep focused, persistent and do your best sincerely and just have good intentions. For again, there is really no harm in doing good then nothing is surely impossible. For if you want your tower to be the top or tallest just continue to build your own tower and never destroy other’s tower just for your tower to be seen.

- “Click”, a movie that continually remind me that it would be difficult and more damaging if we can have everything we WANT and that the life we have now is really short and that we live it only once so you have to make the most out of it and cherish every moment of it for the time lost can never be regain.

- “Spiderman”, aside from its great and wonderful graphics (aside form the second sequel), fight scenes and story plot it is in the spiderman movies where a I can get magnificent movie lines which has influenced my principles also… Like “great powers comes with great responsibilities” that makes me think that in every action I make, every reaction is the outcome of what I have done, and “We always have a choice, its the choices that make us who we are and we can always choose to do what’s right. Our greatest battle is definitely the battle against our own selves, and we can always let the good in us win.” For me Peter Parker is s good example to the youth, if you have seen the latest sequel as what his grandmother has said that spiderman does not kill even though how mad he is. And yes I strongly believe in it that we should not be judgmental and we should not put the things/situations into our hands for we don’t own anyone or any circumstance. We just have to be fair and give every opportunity a chance. For I do believe everyone deserves a chance.

16. Memorable experience while in community service?

The first time is always the most memorable one. My veritable community service was with my first involvement with Visayas Primary Health Care when they invited me and some of my classmates for a “community integration” in a week, before we give the dental services at the last day. The first few days was really an integration, we live with the community and even work with the community while doing a community health survey, in that I have learn a lot of things for that short period of time. That how they really want to be healthy, that they have not neglected it, and it is always their concern but because of inaccessibility and lack or no resources they cannot achieve the true essence of health. As a dentist, before, I usually get irritated for patients who come to the clinic, in great pain and when there is no other option but to extract the tooth, but it was there that I have realize that it is an interweaving factor why people cannot access or have neglected health. In the community where I integrated it would took them an hour of “habal-habal” ride just to get to the nearest clinic where they still have to save so much just for the fare alone. So it is their, I have seen if these people have difficulty in attaining such treatment, why would I not make my step to reach them. It was there where I have put to heart what Thomas Edison has said – “The health practitioner of the future will give no medicine but will interest the patient in the care of human frame in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Visayas Primary Health Care Services, Inc. Unit 4C CP Center, Cor. J. Llorente & G. Garcia Sts. Cebu City, Phils. 4124212 ;

Dr. Xavier G. Solis Dental Care Clinic Ground Flr., Cogal Bldg., 531 P. del Rosario Ext., Cebu City, Phils. 6000 4182755 ; 09179263309