Kieara otherwise known as DonutPlayz who is known for her videos on YouTube. Kieara is currently 12 years old and born on December 2nd, 2005 and she currently 4'7. There are few details known about DonutPlayz lucky for me I know a ton about her. DonutPlayz is a very young YouTuber who started her channel around 3 years ago. But her channel isn't the first one she has owned she has owned another channel she shut down when she made her new one. Her channel was called Donut Gaming the original name was based off of her old Xbox username. Eyeless Corn96. You can still find that channel but few videos are there. Kieara has also been known for her tracing and claiming others art. She later admitted her wrong doings and started practing her OWN Art and has improved over the months. While Kieara was in her public school she got pulled out Midway through 5th grade year for online school which didn't help her one bit when she went back to public for her 6th grade year. When Kieara was in online school Kieara grew depression from events that were happening to her, she also met a boy named Tj and she ended up falling for him and dating him for around 4 months. Then came her 6th grade year and she was public school for her first year of middle school. She talked about him to him to her friends almost everyday. Then, After she got a text on Thanksgiving Day from him saying he was breaking up with her, she became very upset and hardly even wanted to talk to anyone, he was as she said "the one" when in reality he wasn't for her. In the beginning of their relationship he swore to never hurt her and she sadly believed him. Later to find out he did hurt her. One night while she was playing with her friends, she was looking at old messages between the two and she started to break. She invited one of her closet friends to a separate party. The girl is named Izzy. Her and Izzy joined another and when she joined Kieara was listening to an old voice message of him laughing and having a fun time and Izzy could hear how much it broke her. She ended up messaging the boy and said for him to join and help her calm down and stop crying while he was joining she was asking why did love hurt so much. Once he joined it took awhile for her to talk and laugh. They played a few games and while that was happening he ended up texting Izzy saying he regrets breaking her and wanted her back. He got her back. And not even a week went by and he broke up with her again and said it wasn't her fault and that the whole point getting back together was for her to fill a need for him. Which she couldn't do for him. She wasn't as broken because she was broken from him already. The second breakup happened when she was on the bus to school. She went to school and told her friends what had happened and told her that he didn't deserve her. Which he didn't... She moved on after a few weeks or month. She ended up getting a text from him and he was asking her how she was doing and they were acting pretty friendly again, then one night she doesn't know why this happened but he ended talking crap about Izzy to her and she was standing up for her and they got into a argument with him and they stopped talking again and he ended accusing her of cheating with a guy best friend she has known for 5 years now, which she never cheated. He said she never put effort or stood up for him from which was a lie when she stood up for him when he was getting attacked by girls and boys. Keep in mind he tried asking out a close friend of hers who is no longer her friend anymore but was rejected.. Kieara made sure to screenshot everything so he couldn't say he never said it. He didn't know she did. He later apologized and she didn't fully forgive him but she was trying to be nice. Then after all that in February, on the 13th Kieara tweeted on her Twitter that one of her closest friend she known since kindergarten asked her out. She Said Yes. During this time her and Tj didn't talk anymore. Then he texted her again and told her that he dating someone new. She said she was happy for him and that she was dating someone else as well and he asked if it was her friend Matt and she said no. It was someone else and he seemed happy for her. They kinda stopped talking for awhile. Throughout being in school Kieara's Depression got worse and worse, where she wanted to die and would cry almost everyday. Her best friend Abbie and her boyfriend helped her. Until she started unfortunately cutting herself. Her boyfriend and best friend found out and still was there for her. As far as we are concerned she has been a month or two clean now. They are pretty visable if you pay attention when she does her intro. Then the next few months were amazing for Kieara. While she was in school still Tj invited her into a party and she didn't like him anymore at the time and didn't want to join but she ended up joining and his plan was gonna kick her and laugh but he didnt. They ended up getting into a heated argument with each other after he said that her boyfriend probably hates her and thinks she is ugly. That crossed it. She pointed him out on everything he said to her before and after in front of his best friend and be best friend's girlfriend and they were laughing because she had everything on him. He ended up going quiet when she said his girlfriend had her leftovers. Later that night she played a few games with them but only with his best friend's girlfriend because they became friends. She hasn't spoken to him ever since that day. As far as we are concerned. Besides from that. Her and her boyfriend are doing amazing, oh did I mention she has one of his hats? Woops well on Valentine's day the day after they got together he gave her his hat because it was raining and he felt bad and also let her keep it. Anyways. She has never had her first kiss. She was talking to her Bestfriend on the last day of school saying she wanted to go for it. And she said that she got her back and told her boyfriend to hurry and kiss her already. Before they went to the buses they did it!! She ran to her bus and he went to his and her best friend told her friends what had happened and well haha. As far as we are concerned nothing else has happened we will update soon!!