I have a BS in Computer Science from Colorado State University and have worked in System Security and System Networking since 2000. I am CCNA certified (as of May 2003) and have several certifications involving security and networks from the government. I have worked both the government and the private sector. I have also performed research involving advanced subtransactions in parellel, distributed databases. I have written many papers on the topic as well as works involving system security.

To me, you cannot separate network security and system (computer) security. If your network is insecure, any system on the network can be attacked; similarly, if a system on your network is insecure, its penetration will lead to your network being insecure. The relationship is obvious.

My favorite book is Night Never Ending, which is a tremendous autobiography that shows the cruelty the Soviets showed to the Poles during World War 2. I don't care to reference that, since it is my page and so I can be lazy, but if you look it up, it's obvious when you find it.

Daniel Owens (Dohedo) 18:39, 23 February 2007 (UTC)