


What is Important?

For Every Person Some things are Important That Depends on their Purpose.

But What is The Main Purpose of Creation?

You must Aware about our Assumption and Attitude that is Every things is Good, And The God Create Everything that Exist For Determined Good Purpose.

What is Determined Good Purpose?

Determined Good Purpose is Achieving to the Good Goals.

What is The Good Goals?

Before Answer this Question That ((what is Good Goals?)), We need Answer to this question that ((What is The Good is?))

((What Is The Good Is?))

For Defining The Good, We Need to mention that We Can Define Goods When Living Creatures Exist in A Natural World. if Alive Creature were not exist and not supposed to be Exist in A World, That World is Neutral World and we couldn't consider any Good thing in that world, because every thing is Neutral in That World.

But This World is A Natural World That Alive Creatures Exist in it. And Good Definition Construct With Love for The Alive Creatures.

What is Love for Alive Creatures?

Love as a verb for The Alive Creatures is All Actions that is for the purpose of Whealthy Educate and Growth The Alive Creatures.

The God Have The Determined Good Purpose For Creating The Living Creatures and It is Loving Them. And fulfilling all aspects of love are good goals.

Then Loving The Alive Creatures is The Determined Good Purpose That We with Assume and Consider That ((The God Create Every thing for Good)) We Understand it.

Then When Loving The Alive Creatures is The Determined Good Purpose Then The Alive Creatures and Every Thing That needed for Loving Them and Who Loves Them are Important.

Now We know Who Are Important, The God & The Alive Creatures Are Important.

But what are the Important things that Alive Creatures Need them For Loving them?

The important things that Alive Creatures needed For Loving Them


Every Thing That needed For Loving The Alive Creatures is Important, But For Explain and descript it, We must Answer to this question That

(( How We Can Loving Them ? ))

The God Set Prescribed On Every World Special Orders and Rules. The First Things That A Lover needs for loving is knowing That in What Kind of World alive Creatures are placed in. Lover needs Know and Understand Main Rules and Orders That The God Set Prescribed.

We placed in What Kind of World? What is The Rules and Orders of The World?

We Don't want to Explain about an Special World, But We Want to Explain The All Worlds.

a Lover For Knowing and Understanding The World, Needs To Meditate and Thinking about Past Experiences.