Romy is like a melody in my mind.
Romy one time pooped in a bag and threw it in a tree.
Romy one time sat on a plate and broke her butt.
Romy has a cat named Pancake who fell of a balcony.
One time Romy drank a bottle of prosecco and then of NATURAL red wine and then barfed all over her room.
Romy needs to be recognized as a star.
One time Romy sang Shallow by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper and screamed really loud.
Yesterday Romy slipped on the ice and fell on her butt.
One thing Romy really likes is noodles,
and another thing Romy likes is her microphone that lights up
And one time Romy gave me a sticker
Also, one time she gave me a flower
Also one time she made pancakes,
but Romy eats her pancakes with honey and tahini, not syrup
Romy has an Instagram story that you shouldnt look at if youre afraid of spiders
Romy has become a vampire before
Romy has the same general energy as Souljah Boy