Desire Rwagaju is a Rwandan Bloger who holds a Masters Degree in Public health, with concentration in Epidemiology of communicable diseases, passionate about global development, with specific interest in implementation of sustainable development goals on African continent.

He is the co-founder of Hunger Free Education ,A NGO with mission to remove barriers to education for all, mainly by reaching to children who drop-out from school because of different family, health,environmental or political reasons to ensure their basic needs like food, school materials, mattresses, basic health care...etc are met so they can persist their education. Hunger Free Education was a pioneer in establishment of School feeding program at national scale in Rwanda, to ensure the twelve basic education program succeeds.

Rwagaju Desire , was among the pioneers in the deployment of the The One Laptop Per Child.Inc in his country Rwanda, since 2008, where more than 200,000 OLPC laptops have been deployed to school children across the country.He now serves as One Laptop Per Child.Inc representative in Sub-Saharan countries, where he initiated similar projects to countries like Djibouti,Gabon,Cameroon,...etc. To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

His higher interest in implementation of first six SDGs, pushed him to volunteer to initiate & lead the interventions of Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus, in his native village of Rilima, in Bugesera District. Programs like Girinka (one cow per poorest family), Three goats to those families with no enough land to upkeep a cow, farmer's cooperatives supports, programs aims to develop professional skills TVET, microcredit to youth and women to start their businesses. All, programs run by Fondazione Marcegaglia Onlus Rwanda aims to make sure the benefiting families raise from poverty line, as core success to achievement of other SDGs.

Due, to the successful implementation of different programs implementing the SDGs, Rwagaju Desire currently serves in Bugesera District's Joint Action Development Fund as President of Social Development Commission. Rwagaju Desire is very keen on implementing different program in his home country Rwanda to keep improving lives of his people. His number one enemies are POVERTY & Ignorance.