ABSTRACT;The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019(covid-19)Has cause more than 80,813 confirm cases in all province of china,and 

21,110 cases reported in 93 countries of six continent as of march 2020 since middle december 2020.due to BIOLOGYCAL nature of the novel coronavirus,name severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 (SARS-CoV-20)with faster spreading and unknown transmission pattern it makes us in a difficulty position to contain the disease transmission globally.To date,we have found it is SARS-COV and MERS-COV in terms of BIOLOGICAL features and transmissibility,and also found the containnment strategies including the non pharmaceutical public health measure implemented in china are effective and succesful

COVID-19 TRANSMISSION AND PROTECTIVE MEASURE: COVID-19 spread primarily from person to person.Figthing this disease is our joint responsibility.

PROTECT OURSELF AND OTHERS BY MAKING THESE SIMPLE PRECAUTIONS YOUR NEW HABITS; 1.Clean your hands often. 2.Cough or sneeze in your bent elbow not your hands. 3.Avoid touching your eyes,nose and mouth. 4.Limit social gathering and time spent in crowded places. 5.Avoid close contact with someone who is sick. 6.Clean and disinfect frequently touched object and surface.

                                                                    by;ALFRED JAMES D.DE MESA