strawberry naevus

Cavernous haemangiomas are usually not present at birth but appear in the first two weeks of life. Lesions are usually on the face, neck or trunk and are well-circumscribed and lobulated. The naevus often continues to grow during the first year of life, but after this initial growth period, slow involution occurs. In a majority of cases the lesion regresses completely by 4 or 5 years of age. Treatment may however be indicated if there is inhibition normal development - for example impairing normal binocular visual development by obstructing the vision from one eye. It may involve systemic or local steroids, sclerosants, interferon, or laser treatment. Sometimes a naevus shows features of a capillary, as well as a cavernous, haemangioma. Some cavernous haemangiomata be associated with thrombocytopaenia, in Kasabach-Merritt syndrome. strawberry naevus is classified as a subtype of infantile haemangioma