User:Daveinstereo/Bujin Bugei Jutsu

Bujin Bugei Jutsu is a martial art dedicated completely to combative efficiency in street self-defense. It emphasizes mastery of every range of combat, including weapons, kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling. Mastery over each of these ranges is accomplished through the basic principles of evading and/or redirecting attacks, stunnin the attacker, unbalancing the attacker, and controlling the attacker.

   Bujin Budei Jutsu is not a martial sport designed for tournament competition, through many of its practitioners have relized great success in sport martial arts events ranging from point-fighting to full contact, no-holds-barred mixed martial arts competitions.  Bujin Bugei Jutsu is not a martial philosophy whose primary purpose is self-discipline or meditation, though the student of Bujin Bugei Jutsu will find it impossible to progress in the art without a great deal of time spent on both of these.  Bujin Bugei Jutsu is not a martial tradition that can never be altered; on the contrary, students who do not transform Bujin Bugei Jutsu to fit their fighting style are missing the point.  Bujin Bugei Jutsu can have tournament applications, and it has its own philosophy and tradition, but its primary function has always been and will always be combative efficiency.
    Bujin Bugei Jutsu was founded by Renshi Tim Jones of Newton, Illinois in 1994, the result of what was then a decade and a half of training and research in the combative arts.  He continues to expand the art today.   

