User:Darribas/spatial analysis software

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Spatial Analysis Software


Spatial Analysis Software is the subgroup of software written to enable and facilitate spatial analysis. Currently, there are several packages, both free and proprietary, which cover most of the spatial data infrastructure stack.


Package Free of charge Operating Systems Developer institution/person Website Field of interest (if any specific) Main Features Language License
PySAL yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows GeoDa Center Spatial analysis Modules for: computational geometry, spatial weights, ESDA, inequality, mobility and spatial econometrics Python BSD license
Minerva yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows Fulton High Performance Computing Initiative (ASU) Minerva Project High performance, 3D visualization Ability to display large amounts of raster and vector from multiple sources C++ BSD license
GMap Creator yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows CASA CASA website for GMap Creator Thematic mapping using Google Maps Creates image pictures from shapefiles and creates Google Maps websites with the data linked to the shapefile - Freeware
DynTM yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows Charles Schmidt Link to the GeoDa Center's software site Thematic choropleth mapping Fast tile mapping of attribute data on Google Maps (see Academic paper Python Under development
Quantum GIS yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows QGIS Development Team Visualization and geoprocessing Easy to use, ability to expand functionality with Python plugins C++ GPL
GRASS yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows GRASS Development Team [1] GIS Extensive set of GIS tools for both raster and vector data C, C++, Python, Tcl GPL
Legacy GeoDa yes Windows GeoDa Center website Geovisualization, ESDA, Spatial Regression Interactive exploratory analysis, dynamic linking and brushing for cross-section data, basic spatial regression capabilities C Freeware
Open GeoDa yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows GeoDa Center website Interactive exploratory analysis, dynamic linking and brushing for cross-section data, basic spatial regression capabilities Cross-platform version of Legacy GeoDa C Freeware (planned to be open-sourced)
STARS yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows GeoDa Center Website at REGAL ESTDA (Exploratory Space-Time Data Analysis) Interactive linking, brushing and travelling for space-time data Python GPL
GeoDaNet yes MAC OS, Windows Andrew Winslow Presentation Point patterns in networks Network distances, basic network statistics, global and local K-functions in networks. Python Under development
SANET yes Windows Atsu Okabe Website Analysis of events that occur on networks or alongside networks Includes 14 tools for point patterns in networks (list) - Freeware (terms)
Crime Stat yes Windows Ned Levine and Associates Website Crime incidents, point patterns Basic descriptive statistics, spatial clustering, kernel density interpolation - Freeware
SaTScan yes Windows,Linux Martin Kulldorff and Information Management Services Inc. Epidemiology Spatial, temporal and Space-Time Scan Statistics - Freeware
Croizat yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows Mauro J. Cavalcanti Website at SourceForge Panbiogeography Ability to integrate and analyzie spatial data on species or other taxa and to explore geographical patterns in diversity under a panbiogeographic and graph-theoretic approach Python GPL
Hawths Tools yes (Requires ArcGIS, which is not free) Windows Hawthorne Beyer Website Ecology Analysis, sampling, animal movements, kernel, raster, table, vector editing, specialist and other tools. - Freeware
GeoDa Space yes MAC OS, Windows GeoDa Center Luc Anselin's presentation Spatial regression, spatial modelling Spatial lag and error models (independent and joint), spatial HAC estimation, endogenous variables and robust standard error Python Under development
R-spdep yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows Roger Bivand (maintainer) CRAN site for spdep Spatial dependence Weighting schemes, statistics and models R GPL-2
R-splm yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows Gianfranco Piras, Giovanni Millo R-forge: splm Spatial regression ML and GM estimation and diagnostics for spatial panel models R GPL-2
R-sphet yes Linux,MAC OS, Windows Gianfranco Piras R-forge: sphet Spatial regression Spatial models by GM using HAC estimators of the VC matrix R GPL-2

See also


External Resources


Further resources may be found in the following links: