District 31


District 31 or the old District 22 to those who have been around for a while has seen many changes over the years. Most changes have been the Consolidation of Lodges and the Consecration of new ones.

The Most recent Change was the Consecration of the Cedars Lodge 1041. This saw the main room at the Punchbowl Masonic Temple over crowded with Masons who gathered for the Consecration and Installation Ceremony. To give an idea of the numbers, the East was filled with the Grand Lodge Team, North, South filled with Brethren and rows of chairs where the Stewards would normally sit were filled from about a metre from the Senior Wardens Chair in the West and nearly covering all the Mosaic Pavement.

The next change in the District will be a changing of the guard for the District Grand Inspector of Workings. RW Bro Graham Painton DGIW will be succeeded by W Bro Malcolm Edwards.

The DGIW's spiel will be added to this page soon.

D31 Lodges


Bankstown Daylight Lodge 996

District: D31

Meets at: Bankstown, 21 Restwell Street BANKSTOWN NSW 2200

On: 1 Sat. Installation month: MAR

Secretary: Timothy Foster

The Cedars Lodge 1041


District: D31

Meets at: Punchbowl, 29 Arthur Street PUNCHBOWL NSW 2196

On: 4 Fri. Installation month: FEB

Secretary: Johny Couzi

Website: http://www.thecedarslodge.com.au

Lodge Excalibur 737 Lodge of Excellence

District: D31

Meets at: Punchbowl, 29 Arthur Street PUNCHBOWL NSW 2196

On: 2 Tue. Installation month: MAY

Secretary: Eric Manwaring

Lodge Panania 845

District: D31

Meets at: Punchbowl, 29 Arthur Street PUNCHBOWL NSW 2196

On: 2 Wed. Installation month: MAR

Secretary: Richard Bound

Lodge Punchbowl 244

District: D31

Meets at: Punchbowl, 29 Arthur Street PUNCHBOWL NSW 2196

On: 2 Thu. Installation month: SEP

Secretary: Isaac McGill

Lodge Sir Joseph Banks 300

District: D31

Meets at: Bankstown, 21 Restwell Street BANKSTOWN NSW 2200

On: 4 Tue. Installation month: SEP

Secretary: William "Alf" Ronalds

Website: http://www.lodgesirjosephbanks.com

The Sir Walter Scott Lodge 123

District: D31

Meets at: Auburn, 7 Station Road AUBURN NSW 2144

On: 4 Thu. Installation month: JUN

Secretary: Grant Singleton

Lodge St David and St John 180

District: D31

Meets at: Auburn, 7 Station Road AUBURN NSW 2144

On: 1 Wed. Installation month: JUN

Secretary: Neville Menzies

District News


- Lodge Sir Joseph Banks No. 300 July '08 meeting, Election of Officers term 2008/2009.

- Lodge Panania No. 845 July '08 meeting, presentation by R. W. Bro. Bob Holbrook.

District Masonic Temples


Auburn Masonic Temple

7 Station Road, Auburn NSW Australia

Lodges that Meet here

The Sir Walter Scott Lodge 123

On the 4th Thursday of every Month

Lodge St David and St John 180

On the 1st Wednesday of every Month

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-33.849392" lon="151.035267" zoom="19"> </googlemap>

Punchbowl Masonic Temple

29 Arthur Street Puchbowl NSW Australia

Lodges that Meet here

The Cedars Lodge 1041

On the 4th Friday of every Month

Lodge Excalibur 737 Lodge of Excellence

On the 2nd Tuesday of every Month

Lodge Panania 845

On the 2nd Wednesday of every Month

Lodge Punchbowl 244

On the 2nd Thursday of every Month

Lodges Temporarily Meeting here

Lodge Sir Joseph Banks 300

On the 4th Tuesday of every Month

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="-33.927197" lon="151.056041" zoom="19"> </googlemap>

Bankstown Masonic Temple

21 Restwell St Bankstown NSW

Lodges that Meet here

Lodge Sir Joseph Banks 300

On the 4th Tuesday of every Month

Currently Meeting at Punchbowl Masonic Temple

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Bankstown Masonic Temple Shown on Map