Edward VIII abdication crisis
The Instrument of Abdication signed by Edward VIII and his three brothers
  • 20 Jan, Edward becomes King
  • 16 Nov, Edward-Baldwin meeting
Caused byAscension and subsequent actions of King Edward
Resulted inEdward abdicated on 10 December 1936
Lead figures

Timeline of events

  • 20 January 1936 - Edward VIII succeeded his father, George V, as King-Emperor of the British Empire.
  • 27 October - Simpson divorce hearing
  • 13 November - Baldwin holds meeting. Hardinge letter to Edward warns "The silence in the British Press ... is not going to be maintained [1][2]
  • 16 November - Edward informs PM Baldwin of intention to marry Simpson.
  • 19 November - Edward tours depressed mines, makes "Something must be done" speech
  • 1 December - Bishop Blunt's sermon on the King
  • 3 December - Edward proposes King's Broadcast in meeting with Baldwin. Wallis Simpson leaves Britain.
  • 4 December - Cabinet meeting discusses King's broadcast proposal. (Minutes)
  • 6 December - Cabinet meeting discusses King's request for a bill granting Simpson a divorce. (Minutes). [3]
  • 10 December - Edward signs abdication papers
  • 11 December - Edward makes a broadcast about abdication
  • 12 December - Edward made Duke of Windsor
  • 3 May 1937 - Simpson divorce finalized
  • 3 June 1937 - Edward marries Wallis
  • October 1937 - Edward and Wallis visit Germany
  • July 1940 - Edward appointed Governor of the Bahamas

Shortly thereafter, [when?] German embassy in London sends message to Hitler: "An alliance between Germany and Britain is for him [the King] an urgent necessity."[4]