T35 is one of the first major free and paid web hosting companies. The currently services about 250,000 customers, with the majority being free subscriptions.


The current T35 logo and motto.

During the 1990s, there were very few web hosts that offered these kind services to anyone who paid. Also, there weren't many individuals who had the knowledge to actually create a web page, hence a web site.

So in 1997, Alex Melen, aged 15, started T35 under the name of "Free Hosting" as a hobby and a non-profit web site. By 1999, Melen made a credit investment and converted the site to one of the first hosting centers (it should be noted that the now popular GeoCities was also founded around the late 1990s). Melen's main goal was to offer the solutions for people to start their own sites with very little technical expertise.

During T35's first years, 100% of its revenue came from internet advertising. This gradually continued until in 1999, a major breakdown in other internet companies caused T35's consumer numbers to drop rapidly. In March 2000, the company's dollar per 1,000 loads declined from $2.00 to an all-time low of 10 cents.

In an effort regain the loses, Melen chose to offer web hosting only and therefore grow into a dominent company. This decision later proved to be an excellent one, since the internet experienced a boom in its accessibility and more people were interested in having their own web sites.

Current status


T35 offers both free and paid hosting packages. Both plans vary relevantly, depending on the type the customer chooses. ===Free hosting package=== (NO LONGER OFFERED!)

  • Unlimited file storage space
  • Unlimited transfer
  • 500k file size limit
  • Pop-up ad and small picture link to T35's web site
  • PHP (MYSQL and CGI not included)
  • Server Side Include
  • Monthly backup (once a month)
  • 1 FTP account
  • net2ftp online control panel
  • 98% up-time
  • FREE

Personal hosting package

  • 300MB space
  • 8GB transfer limit
  • PHP unlimited MySQL databases
  • Daily backup
  • Unlimited FTP accounts
  • Unlimited e-mail accounts (Webmail and POP3)
  • Unlimited domains and sub-domains
  • Shell Access (for server administration)
  • Web statistics
  • Cpanel Control Panel
  • Fantastico (popular 1-click-install scripts)
  • 99%+ up time
  • No ads, restrictions or file size limits.
  • $4.99/month
  • $49.99/year

Business hosting package

  • 1,000MB space
  • 25GB bandwidth
  • PHP with unlimited MySQL databases
  • Daily Backup
  • Unlimited FTP accounts
  • Unlimited e-mail accounts (Webmail and POP3)
  • Unlimited domains and sub-domains
  • Shell Access (for server administration)
  • Web statistics
  • Cpanel Control Panel
  • Fantastico (popular 1-click-install scripts)
  • 99%+ up time
  • No ads, restrictions or file size limits.
  • $14.99/month
  • $149.99/year