p-group generation algorithm

In mathematics, specifically group theory, finite groups of prime power order , for a fixed prime number and varying integer exponents , are briefly called finite p-groups.

The p-group generation algorithm is a recursive process for constructing the descendant tree of an assigned finite p-group which is taken as the root of the tree.

Additionally to their order , finite p-groups have two further related invariants, the nilpotency class and the coclass .

Lower exponent-p central series


For a finite p-group  , the lower exponent-p central series (briefly lower p-central series) of   is a descending series   of characteristic subgroups of  , defined recursively by   and  , for  . Since any non-trivial finite p-group   is nilpotent, there exists an integer   such that   and   is called the exponent-p class (briefly p-class) of  . Only the trivial group   has  . Generally , for any finite p-group  , its p-class can be defined as  .

The complete series is given by  ,

since   is the Frattini subgroup of  .

For the convenience of the reader and for pointing out the shifted numeration, we recall that the (usual) lower central series of   is also a descending series   of characteristic subgroups of  , defined recursively by   and  , for  . As above, for any non-trivial finite p-group  , there exists an integer   such that   and   is called the nilpotency class of  , whereas   is called the index of nilpotency of  . Only the trivial group   has  .

The complete series is given by  ,

since   is the commutator subgroup or derived subgroup of  .

The following Rules should be remembered for the exponent-p class:

Let   be a finite p-group.

  1. Rule:  , since the   descend more quickly than the  .
  2. Rule:  , for some group      , for any  .
  3. Rule: For any  , the conditions   and   imply  .
  4. Rule: For any  ,      , for all  , and  , for all  .

Parents and descendant trees


The parent   of a finite non-trivial p-group   with exponent-p class   is defined as the quotient   of   by the last non-trivial term   of the lower exponent-p central series of  . Conversely, in this case,   is called an immediate descendant of  . The p-classes of parent and immediate descendant are connected by  .

A descendant tree is a hierarchical structure for visualizing parent-descendant relations between isomorphism classes of finite p-groups. The vertices of a descendant tree are isomorphism classes of finite p-groups. However, a vertex will always be labelled by selecting a representative of the corresponding isomorphism class. Whenever a vertex   is the parent of a vertex   a directed edge of the descendant tree is defined by   in the direction of the canonical projection   onto the quotient  .

In a descendant tree, the concepts of parents and immediate descendants can be generalized. A vertex   is a descendant of a vertex  , and   is an ancestor of  , if either   is equal to   or there is a path  , with  , of directed edges from   to  . The vertices forming the path necessarily coincide with the iterated parents   of  , with  . They can also be viewed as the successive quotients   of p-class   of   when the p-class of   is given by  . In particular, every non-trivial finite p-group   defines a maximal path   ending in the trivial group  . The last but one quotient of the maximal path of   is the elementary abelian p-group   of rank  , where   denotes the generator rank of  .

Generally, the descendant tree   of a vertex   is the subtree of all descendants of  , starting at the root  . The maximal possible descendant tree   of the trivial group   contains all finite p-groups and is exceptional, since the trivial group   has all the infinitely many elementary abelian p-groups with varying generator rank   as its immediate descendants. However, any non-trivial finite p-group (of order divisible by  ) possesses only finitely many immediate descendants.

p-covering group


Let   be a finite p-group with   generators. Our goal is to compile a complete list of pairwise non-isomorphic immediate descendants of  . It turned out that all immediate descendants can be obtained as quotients of a certain extension   of   which is called the p-covering group of   and can be constructed in the following manner.

We can certainly find a presentation of   in the form of an exact sequence  , where   denotes the free group with   generators and   is an epimorphism with kernel  . Then   is a normal subgroup of   consisting of the defining relations for  . For elements   and  , the conjugate   and thus also the commutator   are contained in  . Consequently,   is a characteristic subgroup of  , and the p-multiplicator   of   is an elementary abelian p-group, since  . Now we can define the p-covering group of   by  , and the exact sequence   shows that   is an extension of   by the elementary abelian p-multiplicator. We call   the p-multiplicator rank of  .

Let us assume now that the assigned finite p-group   is of p-class  . Then the conditions   and   imply  , according to Rule 3, and we can define the nucleus of   by   as a subgroup of the p-multiplier. Consequently, the nuclear rank   of   is bounded from above by the p-multiplicator rank.

Allowable subgroups


Tree Diagram


A vertex is capable (or extendable) if it has at least one immediate descendant, otherwise it is terminal (or a leaf). Vertices sharing a common parent are called siblings.

Figure 2: The coclass graph of finite 2-groups with coclass 1

Multifurcation and coclass graphs


Assume that parents of finite p-groups are defined as last non-trivial lower central quotients (2.). For a p-group   of coclass  , we can distinguish its (entire) descendant tree   and its coclass-  descendent tree  , the subtree consisting of descendants of coclass   only. The group   is coclass settled if  .

The nuclear rank   of   in the theory of the p-group generation algorithm by E. A. O'Brien [1] provides the following criteria.

  •   is terminal (and thus trivially coclass settled) if and only if  .
  • If  , then   is capable. (But it remains unknown whether   is coclass settled.)
  • If  , then   is capable but not coclass settled.

In the last case, a more precise assertion is possible: If   has coclass   and nuclear rank  , then it gives rise to an m-fold multifurcation into a regular coclass-r descendant tree   and   irregular descendant trees   of coclass  , for  . Consequently, the descendant tree of   is the disjoint union  .

Multifurcation is correlated with different orders of the last non-trivial lower central of immediate descendants. Since the nilpotency class increases exactly by a unit,  , from a parent   to any immediate descendant  , the coclass remains stable,  , if  . In this case,   is a regular immediate descendant with directed edge   of depth 1 (as usual). However, the coclass increases by  , if   with  . Then   is called an irregular immediate descendant with directed edge of depth  .

If the condition of depth (or step size) 1 is imposed on all directed edges, then the maximal descendant tree   of the trivial group   splits into a countably infinite disjoint union   of directed coclass graphs  , which are rather forests than trees. More precisely, the above mentioned Coclass Theorems imply that   is the disjoint union of finitely many coclass trees   of (pairwise non-isomorphic) infinite pro-p groups   of coclass   (Theorem D) and a finite subgraph   of sporadic groups lying outside of any coclass tree.

Figure 3: The coclass graph of finite 3-groups with coclass 1



The SmallGroups Library identifiers of finite groups, in particular p-groups, given in the form   in the following concrete examples of descendant trees, are due to H. U. Besche, B. Eick and E. A. O'Brien [2]. When the group orders are given in a scale on the left hand side as in Figure 2 and Figure 3, the identifiers are briefly denoted by  .

Depending on the prime  , there is an upper bound on the order of groups for which a SmallGroup identifier exists, e. g.   for  , and   for  . For groups of bigger orders, a notation resembling the descendant structure is employed: A regular immediate descendant, connected by an edge of depth   with its parent  , is denoted by  , and an irregular immediate descendant, connected by an edge of depth   with its parent  , is denoted by  .

Concrete examples


In all examples, the underlying parent definition (2.) corresponds to the usual lower central series. Occasional differences to the parent definition (3.) with respect to the lower exponent-p central series are pointed out.

Coclass 0


The coclass graph   of finite p-groups of coclass   does not contain a coclass tree and consists of the trivial group   and the cyclic group   of order  , which is a leaf (however, it is capable with respect to the lower exponent-p central series). For   the SmallGroup identifier of   is  , for   it is  .

Figure 4: The interface between finite 3-groups of coclass 1 and 2 of type (3,3)

Coclass 1


The coclass graph   of finite p-groups of coclass   consists of the unique coclass tree with root  , the elementary abelian p-group of rank  , and a single isolated vertex (a terminal orphan without proper parent in the same coclass graph, since the directed edge to the trivial group   has depth  ), the cyclic group   of order   in the sporadic part   (however, this group is capable with respect to the lower exponent-p central series). The tree   is the coclass tree of the unique infinite pro-p group   of coclass  .

For  , resp.  , the SmallGroup identifier of the root   is  , resp.  , and a tree diagram of the coclass graph from branch   up to branch   (counted with respect to the p-logarithm of the order of the branch root) is drawn in Figure 2, resp. Figure 3, where all groups of order at least   are metabelian, that is non-abelian with derived length   (vertices represented by black discs in contrast to contour squares indicating abelian groups). In Figure 3, smaller black discs denote metabelian 3-groups where even the maximal subgroups are non-abelian, a feature which does not occur for the metabelian 2-groups in Figure 2, since they all possess an abelian subgroup of index   (usually exactly one). The coclass tree of  , resp.  , has periodic root   and period of length   starting with branch  , resp. periodic root   and period of length   starting with branch  . Both trees have branches of bounded depth  , so their virtual periodicity is in fact a strict periodicity.

However, the coclass tree of   has unbounded depth and contains non-metabelian groups, and the coclass tree of   has unbounded depth and even unbounded width, that is the number of descendants of a fixed order increases indefinitely with growing order [3].

The concrete examples   and   provide an opportunity to give a parametrized power-commutator presentation [4] (here a polycyclic presentation) for the complete coclass tree, mentioned in the lead section as a benefit of the descendant tree concept and as a consequence of the periodicity of the pruned coclass tree. In both cases, the group   is generated by two elements   but the presentation contains the series of higher commutators  ,  , starting with the main commutator  . The nilpotency is formally expressed by  , when the group is of order  .

For  , there are two parameters   and the pc-presentation is given by


The 2-groups of maximal class, that is of coclass  , form three periodic infinite sequences,

  • the dihedral groups,  ,  , forming the mainline (with infinitely capable vertices),
  • the generalized quaternion groups,  ,  , which are all terminal vertices,
  • the semidihedral groups,  ,  , which are also leaves.

For  , there are three parameters   and   and the pc-presentation is given by


3-groups with parameter   possess an abelian maximal subgroup, those with parameter   do not. More precisely, an existing abelian maximal subgroup is unique, except for the two groups   and  , where all four maximal subgroups are abelian.

In contrast to any bigger coclass  , the coclass graph   exclusively contains p-groups   with abelianization   of type  , except for its unique isolated vertex. The case   is distinguished by the truth of the reverse statement: Any  -group with abelianization of type   is of coclass   (O. Taussky's Theorem [5]).

Coclass 2


The genesis of the coclass graph   with   is not uniform. p-groups with several distinct abelianizations contribute to its constitution. For coclass  , there are essential contributions from groups   with abelianizations   of the types  ,  ,  , and an isolated contribution by the cyclic group of order  .

Abelianization of type  


As opposed to p-groups of coclass   with abelianization of type   or  , which arise as regular descendants of abelian p-groups of the same types, p-groups of coclass   with abelianization of type   arise from irregular descendants of a non-abelian p-group of coclass   which is not coclass settled.

For the prime  , such groups do not exist at all, since the group   is coclass-settled, which is the deeper reason for Taussky's Theorem.

For odd primes  , the existence of p-groups of coclass   with abelianization of type   is due to the fact that the group   is not coclass-settled. Its nuclear rank equals  , which gives rise to a bifurcation of the descendant tree   into two coclass graphs. The regular component   is a subtree of the unique tree   in the coclass graph  . The irregular component   becomes a subgraph   of the coclass graph   when the connecting edges of depth   of the irregular immediate descendants of   are removed.

For  , this subgraph   is drawn in Figure 4. It has seven top level vertices of three important kinds, all having order  .

  • Firstly, there are two terminal Schur σ-groups   and   in the sporadic part   of the coclass graph  .
  • Secondly, the two groups   and   are roots of finite trees in  .
  • And, finally, the three groups  ,   and   give rise to (infinite) coclass trees in the coclass graph  .

Generally, a Schur group (called a closed group by I. Schur, who coined the concept) is a pro-p group   whose relation rank   coincides with its generator rank  . A σ-group is a pro-p group   which possesses an automorphism   inducing the inversion   on the abelianization  . A Schur σ-group is a Schur group   which is also a σ-group and has a finite abelianization  .



Descendant trees with central quotients as parents (1.) are implicit in P. Hall's 1940 paper [6] about isoclinism of groups. Trees with last non-trivial lower central quotients as parents (2.) were first presented by C. R. Leedham-Green at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Vancouver, 1974 [7]. The first extensive tree diagrams have been drawn manually by J. A. Ascione, G. Havas and C. R. Leedham-Green (1977) [8], by J. A. Ascione (1979) [9], and by B. Nebelung (1989) [10]. In the former two cases, the parent definition by means of the lower exponent-p central series (3.) was adopted in view of computational advantages, in the latter case, where theoretical aspects were focussed, the parents were taken with respect to the usual lower central series (2.).


  1. ^ O'Brien, E. A. (1990). "The p-group generation algorithm". J. Symbolic Comput. 9: 677–698.
  2. ^ Besche, H. U., Eick, B., O'Brien, E. A. (2005). The SmallGroups Library - a library of groups of small order. An accepted and refereed GAP 4 package, available also in MAGMA.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ Dietrich, H., Eick, B., Feichtenschlager, D. (2008). "Investigating p-groups by coclass with GAP". Contemporary Mathematics, Computational group theory and the theory of groups. 470: 45–61.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. ^ Blackburn, N. (1958). "On a special class of p-groups". Acta Math. 100: 45–92.
  5. ^ Taussky, O. (1937). "A remark on the class field tower". J. London Math. Soc. 12: 82–85.
  6. ^ Hall, P. (1940). "The classification of prime-power groups". J. Reine Angew. Math. 182: 130–141.
  7. ^ Cite error: The named reference Nm was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  8. ^ Ascione, J. A., Havas, G., Leedham-Green, C. R. (1977). "A computer aided classification of certain groups of prime power order". Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 17: 257–274.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ Ascione, J. A. (1979). On 3-groups of second maximal class. Ph. D. Thesis, Australian National University, Canberra.
  10. ^ Nebelung, B. (1989). Klassifikation metabelscher 3-Gruppen mit Faktorkommutatorgruppe vom Typ (3,3) und Anwendung auf das Kapitulationsproblem. Inauguraldissertation, Universität zu Köln.

Category: group theory Category: P-groups Category: Subgroup series Category: Trees (data structures)