Dani Yeah was born a refugee in 1990 in war-torn Burundi from a Congolese father and a Rwandan mother. Both countries, the D.R.Congo and Rwanda acting like Tom and Jerry, Dani's life and his family's became one of running and fleeing.

But despite poverty and a lack of future opportunities, Dani never lost hope. He taught himself English by reading in parallel French books translated in English and worked on his pronunciation by listening to the only two English audio resources available in the country then: the BBC radio station and old English country songs from Don Williams, Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers to Johnny Cash. (*Hip Hop, R&B and Rap music were more popular then but more for their entertaining beats, but their lyrics were a little too fast for a beginner like me to learn any English from them, unless one wanted to butcher the lyrics. :) )

Dani started writing poetry to himself and found some incomparable peace of mind and freedom of expression in doing that. Shortly after that, he started accompanying his poem with a hum! Hence, his music was born. Dani kept writing until one day on May 5th, 2013 the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) in cooperation with US government decided to resettled them in New Hampshire.

Dani started learning how to play the guitar and the piano in the USA and decided to move to Nashville and try his luck as a singer in Music City, and is now working on his first Album "#YesReFuGeesCan" to prove, as the title says it itself, that - no matter the hate, no matter the doubts, no matter the preconceptions - Yes! Refugees can.