My brief Bio:


You can do anything if you don't care who gets the credit.

I'm not just a guy. I bet you'd have a very hard time putting me into any sort of category. I love doing many different things, and I enjoy those moments of surprise when people ask what I do, and I tell them.

The sports I do, I don't compete in; I just love doing them! That's hockey, squash, kayaking and dancing... dancing's very much a passion of mine, and I'll never stop enjoying it.

I love nature, and exploring and finding out more about it. I adore my pets at home, and one day I'll have the power to save many animals from harm, and perhaps many species from extinction.

I studied business science at the University of Cape Town (UCT), majoring in marketing, however I've always strongly desired to become an entrepreneur - to start a business or several!

Growing from my passion for programming, then creating simple websites, I now work as a freelance digital and print designer for local business. When I'm not doing that, I'm working on starting a sustainable transport initiative, called TraTo, which will get working people all over my city travelling together every day.