I have lived and worked in Dallas Texas my entire life. I was in Dealey Plaza during the John F. Kennedy assassination. We were standing near one of the small sidewalk signs near one of the trees in front of the depository. There were three possibly four loud shots or groups of loud shots, with the last two much closer together than the first two. They seem to come from my right, towards the overpass, although the first and third ones seem higher and more over my head. The first shot also sounded different like a firecracker or bottle braking. The car had just passed us and my family when it started. I remember noticing Jackie's bright pink clothes and that she was looking away from us towards the other side of the plaza when the first loud shot sounded while JFK was waving. After a stunned pause, screams, crying and some talking, then a sad realization of what had happened, many of us first ran as a loose group towards the grass knoll then into the railroad yard within about thirty seconds to one minute. I did not recognize the shots as being shots until it was over and I sensed the crowd also realizing what had happened. There was a negro man and woman with a baby trotting down the main sidewalk towards the overpass. I saw a white helmeted police officer with his handgun up by the picket fence and remember being especially afraid after seeing his gun. There were several policeman and persons in this area of the fence within only minutes. We are not seen in the Zapruder film (just barely not), but we are seen talking and walking around in some short film taken only minutes afterwards from right next to the monument Zapruder had been on showing other persons near the cement wall where books are now sold from. I still go to that spot about once a year to reflect in peace about a moment of unimaginable horror. We stayed for about thirty minutes or so afterwards then left in our car without ever being questioned by any policeman. I remember that while on our way into Dallas I realized I forgot my camera and was disappointed that I had forgotten to bring my camera. DallasWitness 11:24, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC)

41 years and a day later it still seems like it happened a moment ago. Crystal clear as he started to wave and seemed to meet my eyes with a radiant, positive, aura that came more from the eyes than his stunning smile we all knew so well. And his hair; simply beautiful. I have chosen to remember the good seconds just before it was shattered by the insane, and I have chosen to recall the many good years of memories of our president before he was utterly and senslessly slaughtered (to make WHAT statement and for WHAT reason(s)?), but, as in life, there is inevitably, a bit of rain that the majority of persons positively work our way through to see the sunshine.

Yesterday, November 22, 2004, it misted and rained in Dallas, similar to 1963.

Today, thankfully, it is pretty clear. DallasWitness 16:12, 23 Nov 2004 (UTC)