FACT: Christianity's claim that Daniel 9:25-27 proves that Jesus lived at the time of the 2nd Temple and died vicariously approximately 40 years prior to 70 CE is false.

The best and surest way to approach what is at least a very complicated chapter to understand, is to start at the very beginning of the chapter, i.e. verse 1. Context must be established in order to know the significance of what is being spoken about in verses 24-27.

Daniel and his people were placed into exile after the 1st Temple was destroyed and beginning with Chapter 9, Daniel begins by relating a vision he received from Gabriel. The vision was to help Daniel contemplate and to know when his exile would end and when the 2nd Temple would be built.

From examination of verses 3-23, it is apparent that Daniel was expecting the Temple to be built some 18 years prior to when the Temple was actually built. He was worried that he and his people did not pray hard enough or sincere enough and thus G-d had delayed the time when they would be restored from exile.

Throughout the verses you can see that Daniel was constantly praying vigorously to G-d, asking that He delay not, but instead shine His countenance upon His desolate Sanctuary for His sake.

G-d did not break his promise at all. The problem was that Daniel miscalculated the years that Gabriel spoke to him in the vision he received.

Daniel was confused because of two similar prophecies from Jeremiah.

(a)..Jeremiah 25:12 speaks about a 70 year period that begins with Babylon's subjugation of Jerusalem and fulfilled with Cyrus in his first year as King when he called for the Building of Temple and the city.

(b). Jeremiah 29:10 was the actual prophecy that Gabriel was trying to convey to Daniel. This prophecy was also about a 70 year period that began in the year the 1st Temple was destroyed and fulfilled when the 2nd Temple was built.

In verse 22, Gabriel appears again and in verse 23 Gabriel says to Daniel that he is beloved by G-d and he came to make him skillful in understanding the 70 year prophecy.

In verse 24, Gabriel also relates to Daniel an (ultimatum) that G-d has decreed on his people. "Seventy weeks have been decreed upon your people and your holy city to terminate transgression, to end sin, to wipe away iniquity, to bring everlasting righteousness, to seal vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies." ......

Israel did not terminate transgressions , end sin, nor did they fulfill any of the requirements of G-d issued in His decree..Thus the destruction of the 2nd Temple 490 years later.

Leviticus 26:18.. "If despite this you do not heed Me, than I shall punish you seven times for your sins"; (7X7 years - 490 years)..

The 70 weeks of years (490 years) begins with the prophecy of Jeremiah 29:10, the year that the 1st Temple was destroyed and ends exactly to the year, 490 years later when the 2nd Temple was destroyed.

Their are big holes that we will exploit in the Christian translation and interpretation of Dan 9:25-27. We will now expose their errors of their claims and misunderstanding of how the Hebrew works.

FACT: In verse 25, the Christian translation uses the english word Messiah, i.e; "the Messiah the Prince"

PROBLEM: The Hebrew word in question is "moshiach" which means "anointed one". The word Messiah is post biblical and it is inappropriate to use when translating the word "moshiach".

FACT: The hebrew word "moshiach" appears in the Tanach (OT) 39 times. In the Jewish Scriptures "moshiach" is translated consistantly and accurately as "anointed one" 39 of 39 times it appears.

PROBLEM: In the Christian OT, "moshiach" also appears 39 times and correctly translates "moshiach" as "anointed one" 37 of 39 times.. In Daniel 9:25-26, they deviate from what they know to be the proper translation and instead substitute "Messiah" in place of "anointed one".

FACT: Verse 25, The definite article (the) does not appear in the Hebrew and is translated accurately in the Jewish Scriptures as "an anointed prince"

PROBLEM: Verse 25, The Christian bible inserts the definite article( the) twice and thus incorrectly conveys what the Hebrew does not convey..i.e. "the Messiah the Prince".

FACT: Verse 25.. The Hebrew language works this way with numbers. When translating 69 into English the translator would say 60 and 9 or 9 and 60.. The common denominator always ends in a zero..Thus the language works in 10's, 50's , 100's, 1000's etc. To prove this point, one only has to go to the book of numbers for verification.

PROBLEM: Verse 25, The Christian bible translates into English the 69 weeks as "seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks".. They are saying that their 'Messiah the Prince" would come after 69 weeks which is not at all accurate or possible when the Hebrew is properly translated.

FACT: Verse 25, The Jewish translation indicates that "an anointed one" (moshiach) would come after "7 weeks", (49 years). The "7 weeks" begins with the prophecy of Jeremiah 29:10, the year the 1st Temple was destroyed and is fulfilled 49 years later when Cyrus in his first year as king called for the building of Jerusalem and the building of the 2nd Temple......... 18 years later it was built in the 1st year of Darius the 2nd (King of Persia)

PROBLEM: Verse 25, The Christian translation indicates that "the Messiah the Prince" would come after "seven weeks, threescore and two weeks", or in other words; "69 weeks" (483 years). So we ask, 483 years from when? You would have to ask the Christian apologists for that answer.

PROBLEM: Verse 26, The prophecy continues and says, "AFTER"..."the sixty two weeks", (434 years), "the Messiah the Prince" will be cut off........This begs the question.."AFTER-WHAT"?? They have eliminated the possibility of relating this time period to the previous 7 weeks since they do not take it into account in verse 25. The two weeks threescore and 7 weeks are just a fancy way of saying 69 weeks. The words, "and after the sixty two weeks", places the Christian interpretation in a bind and they cannot escape this obvious oversight when translating Dan 9:25-27

Why would verse 26 say "and after the sixty two weeks" "an anointed one" would be cut off if there is not a separate "seven weeks" that would precede the "sixty two weeks"???????

The Christian translation does not allow for 2 separate time periods and thus the saying "seven weeks, threescore and two weeks" are nothing more than a fancy way of saying "69 weeks"....

The Christian messiah cannot come after 69 weeks and then again speak of him as being the anointed who is cut off after the 62 week period.. 62 WEEKS AFTER WHEN??

FACT: The Jewish translators of the Tanach and anyone else with a good knowledge of the Hebrew, knew very well how the Hebrew works and that is why they placed a pause (;)(semi colon) after the words "seven weeks". The translators and readers of this verse would know that the "seven weeks" and the "sixty two weeks" that follow the "seven weeks" should not be treated as one time period, but rather as two separate time periods. An "anointed Prince comes within "seven weeks", rather than after the "sixty two weeks", when another anointed one will be cut off, namely the high priest, when the Temple is destroyed.

The original plates of the 1611 edition of the KJV has a (:) "colon" after the words "seven weeks" and the revised version as well. All subsequent versions thereafter have the "colon" removed and is replaced with a "comma", which gave license for the Christian bible translators to add the numbers 7 and 62 as if they refer to one time period instead of 2 separate time periods, which is the only and proper way to understand and translate the verse.

Based on these facts a proper understanding is, an "anointed one" (Cyrus) comes "seven weeks" (49 years) after the prophecy is given by Jeremiah in chapter 29:10, the year that the 1st Temple was destroyed...Cyrus was tardy and came 3 years late. (52 years).

FACT: In verse 26, the prophet Daniel states that "an anointed one" will be "cut off" (Hebrew "karace"). A word study on the hebrew word "karace" will show that when G-d says that a person or a people is "cut off", He is saying that they are wicked, unrighteous and unrepentant and thus they have been "cut off" or separated from G-d and their people. Conclusion, we would never apply this to the Jewish messiah that we wait for.

PROBLEM: Christianity claims that their messiah was "cut off" which would make him wicked, unrighteous and unrepentant. The word "karace" does not always mean death but it can also mean to be separated from G-d, or from the land of the living; (Israel when in exile).

FACT: The Jewish translation says that "an anointed one" would be "cut off" . The anointed one is the high priest who is separated from his priesthood when the 2nd Temple is destroyed.. Then it says that he will "be no more" (V'Yim-lo).

PROBLEM: The Christian bible translation says that their messiah will be "cut off" "but not for himself" This is a gross mistranslation of the Hebrew words V'yim-lo and it is obvious that they purposely mistranslated in order to show that their messiah died vicariously for the sins of others.

FACT: After the sixty two weeks several events occurred . A war ensued and by the end of the 69th week, the "anointed one" (high priest) was cut off from his priesthood and the 2nd Temple was destroyed. (70CE)

During that 69th week there was a covenant (treaty) made between Rome and the Jewish rulers to maintain the sacrificial services for a period of " one week" (7 years)..The Romans broke their covenant. They broke their promise, abolished the sacrifices and the offerings 3 1/2 years before Titus razed Herod's Temple 3 1/2 years later..(Dan 9:27).

PROBLEM: THERE IS NO MISSING WEEK. Christianity takes a great leap of faith in their translation of verse 27 by claiming that the 70th and final week of the 70 weeks (490 year) prophecy has not yet occurred .

It is now some 2000 years since the destruction of the 2nd Temple and they are still waiting for that final week to be completed. That is mere wishful thinking and that understanding can only come from the NT teachings..That teaching certainly has no credibility based on what the Hebrew says.

TRUTH BE TOLD: Dan 9:25 is saying that "an anointed prince" (Cyrus) will come, "seven weeks" (49 years) from the prophecy of Jeremiah 29:10 and he will call for the building of the 2nd Temple and for building Jerusalem. Cyrus tarried by 3 years and came in (52 years), not (49 years).

The Scriptural sources to show who would be the "anointed one" who comes after "seven weeks" to call for the building of the Temple and Jerusalem are as follows.

1. Isaiah 44:28, 45:1,13.." Who says of Cyrus", "He is My shepherd, and all My desire he shall fulfill," and to say of Jerusalem, "It shall be built and the Temple shall be founded." So said the L-rd to His anointed one, to Cyrus, whose right hand I held, to flatten nations before him, and the loins of kings I will loosen, to open portals before him, and gates shall not be closed. I aroused him with righteousness, and all his ways I will straighten out. He shall build My city and free My exiles, neither for a bribe," said the L-rd of Hosts.

2. Ezra 1:1-3.. "And in the first year of Cyrus, the king of Persia, at the completion of the WORD(DVAR) of the Lord from the mouth of Jeremiah, the L-rd aroused the spirit of Cyrus, the king of Persia, and he issued a proclamation throughout his kingdom, and also in writing, saying: "So said Cyrus, the king of Persia, "All the kingdoms of the earth the L-rd G-d of the heavens delivered to me, and He commanded me to build Him a House in Jerusalem, which is in Judea. Who is among you of all His people, may his G-d be with him, and he may ascend to Jerusalem, which is Judea, and let him build the House of the L-rd G-d of Israel; He is the G-d Who is in Jerusalem.

3. 2 Chron 36:21-23... Echoes the words as appears in Ezra 1:1-3. Christianity's claims regarding Nehemiah and Artaxerxes having anything to do with what is spoken about in

Dan 9:25 is erroneous.. 'an anointed one" comes "seven weeks" from the prophecy of Jeremiah 29:10 and NOT

'Sixty nine weeks as they claim.. Nehemiah does not show anyone who is "anointed" by G-d to build jerusalem or build the city.. Nehemiah ONLY calls for the repairing of the walls and the gates. SUMMARY

After the "seven weeks" there is going to be a "sixty two week period" (434 years) when the city will be built; street and moat but in troublous times. In the "sixty ninth week" the troubles with Rome start to compound and the war with them escalates and intensifies. But Rome and the Jewish leaders enter into a covenant that allowed Israel to continue to offer sacrifices for "one week" (7 years).

This covenant was broken by Rome and sacrifices ceased after 3 1/2 years.. After the "sixty two weeks", in the "sixty ninth week", when the covenant is broken by Rome,"an anointed one" (the high priest) will be "cut off" from his priesthood and "will be no more" ("V'yim-lo"). The war continued for another 3 1/2 years at the end of which the Temple was finally destroyed.. Result: "70 weeks of years" prophecy fulfilled completely, no missing 70th year.

CRONOLOGY OF EVENTS USING BIBLICAL DATING... YEARS FROM CREATION WHICH BEIGINS WITH ADAM IN YEAR 1. CURRENT YEAR IS 5767.. (a) building of the 1st Temple = 2928 (b) destruction of the 1st Temple = 3338...Temple stood for 410 years. (c) building of the 2nd Temple = 3408 (d) destruction of the 2nd Temple = 3828... Temple stood for 420 years. 3338-3828 = 70 weeks of years or 490 years.

(c) 3338, the year the exile began and lasted for 70 years. (d) 3390, Cyrus in his first year as king called for the city and temple to be rebuilt. (e) 3408, Darius 2nd (Persian King) builds the 2nd Temple.

BC DATING IN CORRELATION TO YEARS FROM CREATION DATING. (a)The 1st Temple was built in ......... 830 BC.................... .2928 years from creation Temple stood for 410 years. (b)The 1st Temple was destroyed in ......... 420 BC..................... 3338 years from creation Exile lasted 70 years (c)The 2nd Temple was built in 350 BC.......350 BC......................3408 years from creation Temple stood for 420 years (d) The 2nd Temple destroyed in.............. 70 CE.......................3828 years from creation

SUMMARY.. Subtract 70 CE from 420 = 350 BC, the year the 2nd Temple was built. Christianity's use of secular dating cannot be right based on our knowledge of when the 2nd Temple was built, how long it stood and the year it was destroyed.(70 CE)