Daeja Nya Alicea 10/18/14

Chief Taylor P.4 Health & Wellness Questions

1.Define physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness.

Physical Activity- any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy usage.

Exercise- activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness

Physical Fitness- a general state of health and well-being or specifically the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and rest.

2.Using your own words, tell what it means to be physically fit.

Being physically fit means getting enough sleep at night, exercising at least 3-4 times a week, eat right.

3. Give three examples of the mental/emotional benefits of physical activity and three examples of the social benefits.

   Examples of the mental/emotional benefits would be becausephysical activity supports positive body image, eases symptoms of depression and anxiety, and  relieves stress.
   Examples of the Social benefits of physical activity would be it can cause you to meet new people, it helps you gain confidence,  it can make you less shy.

4.What is the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise?

   Aerobic exercise depends on oxygen for fuel while anaerobic does not.

5.Define heart and lung endurance. What is the best way to build heart and lung endurance?

   Heart and Lung Endurance- performance of the heart and lungs  while being under stress due to exercise.
   You can build heart and lung endurance by running, swimming, and bicycling.

6.What is the difference between muscle strength and muscle endurance?

   The difference between them is muscle endurance is the ability to do an activity for a prolonged period of time and muscle strength is the muscles capacity to exert force against resistance.

7.Which part of your body is strengthened by curl-ups? step-ups?

   Your abs are strengthened by curl-ups and  step-ups  strengthen your legs, hips,  and buttocks.

8.What are some of the advantages of good flexibility?

   Good flexibility improves posture, decreases risk of injury, reduces lower back pain, and increased blood flow.

9.What should you keep in mind when preparing an activity plan?

   You should keep free-time, daily routine, setbacks, and  future events when planning an activity plan.

10.What are the three stages of a workout?

   stage one: warm up
   stage two: training 
   stage three: cool down

11.Define warm-up and cool-down. What are their similarities and differences?

   Warm-up- a period before a high intensity workout usually involving  stretching.
   Cool-down- a period of low intensity exercises after a high intensity workout in which the body begins to return to its normal physiological level.

12.Why would it be unwise to skip the cool-down stage?

   It would be unwise because sometimes when you skip it your muscles can tense up causing you to feel faint or  dizzy.

13. Explain the meaning of sports conditioning.

   Exercise and practice to build the body up for either improved normal performance, as in physical therapy, or in preparation for sports performance.

14.What is dehydration? Why is it dangerous?

   Dehydration- when your body does not have as much water and fluids as it should 

. It is dangerous because it can lead to complications because the body needs water to maintain itself.

15.List three ways to practice safe behavior in sports.

   -wear the right equipment.

-follow all the rules.

-make sure the right equipment fits.

16.What are the dangers of using anabolic steroids?

   The danger of using anabolic steroids is that they weaken the heart.

17.Would you describe yourself as physically fit? Think back to last week and write down your physical activities. What do you conclude from your list?

   I would describe myself as somewhat Physically fit. Last week I went for a 3 mile run.This supports my description.

18.How might staying fit help you manage stress? How has physical activity provided you with an outlet for tension or anger?

It might help you because it releases endorphins. It helps me blow off steam whe i get into arguments.

19.Your friend wants to improve her physical fitness. When she exercises, she rarely raises her heartbeat above 50% of her maximum heartbeat rate. What advice would you offer her? Why?

I would tell her to work out at a higher intensity because it would get her heartrate to increase even more.

20.How are strength, endurance, and flexibility related?

They are related because they are all key things in being and getting to be physically fit.

21.What adjustments do you need to make in frequency, intensity, and time to meet your personal workout needs?

I need to adjust the intensity of my workouts to meet my needs.

22.Why is it important to set fitness goals before starting an exercise program?

It is important because if you don’t set goals you probably won’t have the motivation to keep on with the program.

23.What advice would you give a teammate who often misses practice or arrives late?

I would tell them to start showing up to practice and be on time as well because they are not only hurting themselves but hurting the team as well.

24.Carlton borrows his older brother’s protective gear and his sports shoes, even though his brother is much bigger. How is he risking injury?

   He is risking injury because since the shoes and equipment  don’t fit him right they are unable to protect him the right way and he could be seriously injured.

Activity Plan








Sandra Ali 10/20/14 Health & Wellness Questions Period 4 Chief Taylor

1.Define physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness.

Physical Activity- any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy usage.

Exercise- activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness

Physical Fitness- a general state of health and well-being or specifically the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and rest.

2.Using your own words, tell what it means to be physically fit.

Being physically fit means getting enough sleep at night, exercising at least 3-4 times a week, eat right.

3. Give three examples of the mental/emotional benefits of physical activity and three examples of the social benefits.

   Examples of the mental/emotional benefits: physical activity supports positive body image, eases symptoms of depression and anxiety, and  relieves stress.
   Examples of the Social benefits of physical activity:: it can cause you to meet new people, it helps you gain confidence,  it can make you less shy.

4.What is the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise?

   Aerobic exercise depends on oxygen for fuel while anaerobic does not.

5.Define heart and lung endurance. What is the best way to build heart and lung endurance?

   Heart and Lung Endurance- performance of the heart and lungs  while being under stress due to exercise.
   You can build heart and lung endurance by running, swimming, and bicycling.

6.What is the difference between muscle strength and muscle endurance?

   The difference between them is muscle endurance is the ability to do an activity for a prolonged period of time and muscle strength is the muscles capacity to exert force against resistance.

7.Which part of your body is strengthened by curl-ups? step-ups?

   Your abs are strengthened by curl-ups and  step-ups  strengthen your legs, hips,  and buttocks.

8.What are some of the advantages of good flexibility?

   Good flexibility improves posture, decreases risk of injury, reduces lower back pain, and increased blood flow.

9.What should you keep in mind when preparing an activity plan?

   You should keep free-time, daily routine, setbacks, and  future events when planning an activity plan.

10.What are the three stages of a workout?

   stage one: warm up
   stage two: training 
   stage three: cool down

11.Define warm-up and cool-down. What are their similarities and differences?

   Warm-up- a period before a high intensity workout usually involving  stretching.
   Cool-down- a period of low intensity exercises after a high intensity workout in which the body begins to return to its normal physiological level.

12.Why would it be unwise to skip the cool-down stage?

   It would be unwise because sometimes when you skip it your muscles can tense up causing you to feel faint or  dizzy.

13. Explain the meaning of sports conditioning.

   Exercise and practice to build the body up for either improved normal performance, as in physical therapy, or in preparation for sports performance.

14.What is dehydration? Why is it dangerous?

   Dehydration- when your body does not have as much water and fluids as it should 

. It is dangerous because it can lead to complications because the body needs water to maintain itself.

15.List three ways to practice safe behavior in sports.

   -wear the right equipment.

-follow all the rules.

-make sure the right equipment fits.

16.What are the dangers of using anabolic steroids?

   The danger of using anabolic steroids is that they weaken the heart.

17.Would you describe yourself as physically fit? Think back to last week and write down your physical activities. What do you conclude from your list?

   I would describe myself as somewhat Physically fit. Last week I went for a 3 mile run.This supports my description.

18.How might staying fit help you manage stress? How has physical activity provided you with an outlet for tension or anger?

It might help you because it releases endorphins. It helps me blow off steam whe i get into arguments.

19.Your friend wants to improve her physical fitness. When she exercises, she rarely raises her heartbeat above 50% of her maximum heartbeat rate. What advice would you offer her? Why?

I would tell her to work out at a higher intensity because it would get her heartrate to increase even more.

20.How are strength, endurance, and flexibility related?

They are related because they are all key things in being and getting to be physically fit.

21.What adjustments do you need to make in frequency, intensity, and time to meet your personal workout needs?

I need to adjust the intensity of my workouts to meet my needs. Also i would need to start working out a lot more to meet my personal fitness needs and goals.

22.Why is it important to set fitness goals before starting an exercise program?

It is important because if you don’t set goals you probably won’t have the motivation to keep on with the program.

23.What advice would you give a teammate who often misses practice or arrives late?

I would tell them to start showing up to practice and be on time as well because they are not only hurting themselves but hurting the team as well.

24.Carlton borrows his older brother’s protective gear and his sports shoes, even though his brother is much bigger. How is he risking injury?

   He is risking injury because since the shoes and equipment  don’t fit him right they are unable to protect him the right way.

Deborah Petion Period 5 10/24/14 H&W Q&A Chief Taylor

1.Define physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness.

Physical Activity- any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy usage.

Exercise- activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness

Physical Fitness- a general state of health and well-being or specifically the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene, and rest.

2.Using your own words, tell what it means to be physically fit.

Being physically fit means getting enough sleep at night, exercising at least 3-4 times a week, eat right.

3. Give three examples of the mental/emotional benefits of physical activity and three examples of the social benefits.

   Examples of the mental/emotional benefits: physical activity supports positive body image, eases symptoms of depression and anxiety, and  relieves stress.
   Examples of the Social benefits of physical activity:: it can cause you to meet new people, it helps you gain confidence,  it can make you less shy.

4.What is the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise?

   Aerobic exercise depends on oxygen for fuel while anaerobic does not.

5.Define heart and lung endurance. What is the best way to build heart and lung endurance?

   Heart and Lung Endurance- performance of the heart and lungs  while being under stress due to exercise.
   You can build heart and lung endurance by running, swimming, and bicycling.

6.What is the difference between muscle strength and muscle endurance?

   The difference between them is muscle endurance is the ability to do an activity for a prolonged period of time and muscle strength is the muscles capacity to exert force against resistance.

7.Which part of your body is strengthened by curl-ups? step-ups?

   Your abs are strengthened by curl-ups and  step-ups  strengthen your legs, hips,  and buttocks.

8.What are some of the advantages of good flexibility?

   Good flexibility improves posture, decreases risk of injury, reduces lower back pain, and increased blood flow.

9.What should you keep in mind when preparing an activity plan?

   You should keep free-time, daily routine, setbacks, and  future events when planning an activity plan.

10.What are the three stages of a workout?

   stage one: warm up
   stage two: training 
   stage three: cool down

11.Define warm-up and cool-down. What are their similarities and differences?

   Warm-up- a period before a high intensity workout usually involving  stretching.
   Cool-down- a period of low intensity exercises after a high intensity workout in which the body begins to return to its normal physiological level.

12.Why would it be unwise to skip the cool-down stage?

   It would be unwise because sometimes when you skip it your muscles can tense up causing you to feel faint or  dizzy.

13. Explain the meaning of sports conditioning.

   Exercise and practice to build the body up for either improved normal performance, as in physical therapy, or in preparation for sports performance.

14.What is dehydration? Why is it dangerous?

   Dehydration- when your body does not have as much water and fluids as it should 

. It is dangerous because it can lead to complications because the body needs water to maintain itself.

15.List three ways to practice safe behavior in sports.

   -wear the right equipment.

-follow all the rules.

-make sure the right equipment fits.

16.What are the dangers of using anabolic steroids?

   The danger of using anabolic steroids is that they weaken the heart.

17.Would you describe yourself as physically fit? Think back to last week and write down your physical activities. What do you conclude from your list?

   I would describe myself as somewhat Physically fit. Last week I went for a 3 mile run.This supports my description.

18.How might staying fit help you manage stress? How has physical activity provided you with an outlet for tension or anger?

It might help you because it releases endorphins. It helps me blow off steam whe i get into arguments.

19.Your friend wants to improve her physical fitness. When she exercises, she rarely raises her heartbeat above 50% of her maximum heartbeat rate. What advice would you offer her? Why?

I would tell her to work out at a higher intensity because it would get her heartrate to increase even more.

20.How are strength, endurance, and flexibility related?

They are related because they are all key things in being and getting to be physically fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

21.What adjustments do you need to make in frequency, intensity, and time to meet your personal workout needs?

I need to adjust the intensity of my workouts to meet my needs. Also i would need to start working out a lot more to meet my personal fitness needs and goals. i would also like to start working out in the mornings and sometimes in the afternoon

22.Why is it important to set fitness goals before starting an exercise program?

It is important because if you don’t set goals you probably won’t have the motivation to keep on with the program.

23.What advice would you give a teammate who often misses practice or arrives late?

I would tell them to start showing up to practice and be on time as well because they are not only hurting themselves but hurting the team as well.

24.Carlton borrows his older brother’s protective gear and his sports shoes, even though his brother is much bigger. How is he risking injury?

   He is risking injury because since the shoes and equipment  don’t fit him right they are unable to protect him like they are suppose too.