User:DASHBot/Templatates to Orphan


Note that the bot will include trailing and leading space
If you want the bot to orphan the template, leave new template name as <NONE>
All fields are required
You can do multiple template names, if you are orphaning templates, separating them with quotes:
example: "Template 1" "Template 2"
You can do multiple namespaces, separated by spaces. Example:
0 2
After the bot starts, it will add the request to the log. (Latest calls first)
Only admins can request that the bot be run
The bot runs IMMEDIATLY after you save the form, so be sure that everything is correct, otherwise 
go to the shutoff page (here) and turn it off.


Template name (without the prefix :"template"):
New template name(parameters will be preserved):
Namespace(use 0 for article space, ect):