Introduction: Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI-scanner) is based on physics principles discovered in the nineteen fifties, but was not put to good use in hospitals or medical centres until 30 years later. The usage was dependant on the developments in electronics and information technology. With continuing improvements in technological developments, the quality (details) of the scans also continues to improve. Since its initiation ‘making an MRI’ has become a common phenomenon in medical practice. In the fifties, the inventors also realized there could be a possible (therapeutic) influence of magnetic fields on living cells. The rapid developments in the field of micro-electronics in the past 20 years, as well as advances in cellular biology, biophysics and biochemistry, all contributed to the evolution of the CytotronTM.

CytotronTM The CytotronTM is the device that generates and accurately directs Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR). The technology was developed in the Indian Scalene Cybernetics Ltd laboratory in 1987 and continues to be improved. The CytotronTM utilizes the same principles as the MRI scanner; while at the same time enhancing the therapeutic aspects. The MR-I scanner utilizes magnetic resonance (MR) to create the images. In the CytotronTM, the RFQ-MR signal has a direct effect on the cell functions.

In many ways the treatment resembles the making of an MRI scan. The CytotronTM looks like an MRI scanner, but its design is much more comfortable since the treatment takes 30 to 60 minutes a day over several weeks. The CytotronTM tunnel is much wider than the MRI’s tunnel. Moreover, the CytotronTM produces very little noise.

This full body CytotronTM has been approved as a therapeutic device under the guidelines of the European Union. The device is class 2A certified. The certification insures that the device’s effect has been proven. It also confirms that the device is safe and that it has been approved for medical treatments within the European Union. Certification has been carried out by the English Underwriter Laboratories, the largest testing institute in this field in the world.

The major distinction between CytotronTM and MRI is that the (electromagnetic) radio waves of the CytotronTM can be manipulated in various ways. Most importantly, they can be rotated, focused and precisely aimed. Note: The CytotronTM was patented by the development laboratory and by Dr. Rajah Vijay Kumar, Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer of Scalene Cybernetics Ltd., Bangalore, India.

Scalene Cybernetics Ltd. Scalene Cybernetics Ltd. is a research organization involved in cutting edge medical technologies like RFQMR (Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance), 3D-CCG (Three dimensional Cardiovascular Cartography), Trans-Aortic Signal Wave Modulation (TASWM) and Flow Turbulence Accelerometry (FTA) and Medical Nanotechnology.

Scalene Cybernetics Ltd is responsible for disseminating the research outcomes and implementing the commercial initiatives of Scalene Cybernetics Limited in the Asia Pacific region. This includes lectures at medical conferences, seminars, manufacturing and sale of the machines, training of personnel and post-sale services such as maintenance and repair. The machines are manufactured in India and in Malaysia. As Malaysia being developed as a hub for the Asia Pacific region, where emphasis will be given to manufacturing and training of personnel who are directly involved in the treatment of patients.

The Operation of the CytotronTM The operating principle of the CytotronTM, which in appearance is similar to the MRI-scanner, is based on the generation of (RFQMR). Magnetic Resonance (MR) is the underlying technology used for CytotronTM as well as for MRI. MRI technology is applied to create clear, detailed images of the interior of the human body. The CytotronTM generates RFQMR, a special form of MR. RFQMR can be focused to specifically affect parts of the cell (and hence the tissue). Thus, it can be applied for therapeutic purposes. RFQMR is a safe treatment method. The frequencies applied in the CytotronTM range between long wave and UHF. This is the frequency range dedicated to radio/television broadcasts. A microwave uses a 1000 times smaller frequency. The wavelength of X-rays, nuclear rays or other, so-called ‘ionizing radiation’, is at least a 100 million times smaller.

Cell Division A healthy cell continuously generates electricity. In this respect, it functions as a small battery. The voltage difference between the interior and exterior of the cell can be measured. This is referred to as the cell (membrane) voltage. Changes in the cell voltage trigger cell division. The RFQMR treatment affects the cell voltage and thus, cell division. There is a distinction between the characteristics of the healthy cells and those of the diseased cells. As a result the various settings of the CytotronTM affect cells in different ways allowing treatments for tissue regeneration or degeneration. In the osteoarthritis treatment, an RFQMR combination is utilized which promotes cell division within the cartilage

Conversely, for a cancer treatment an RFQMR combination is utilized which slows down cell division.

Cancer Treatment Cancer is a disorder in which the body’s own cells multiply in an uncontrolled manner. Cells in healthy tissue have a built-in biological restraint which stops them from growing or multiplying. After a number of divisions cells should automatically die otherwise there will be too many of them. In cancer cells this natural restraint fails. Therefore the cells will continue to grow and to multiply. Certain cancer cells may spread from the organ in which they were formed to other parts of the body. In the places where the cancer cells grow, tumors referred to as ‘metastases’ may develop.

Different Types of Cancer Cancer may occur in various places in the body. The disease is then named after the place of the affected tissue. It may be referred to as prostate cancer, breast cancer or lung cancer. Cancer is also distinguished according to the form in which it appears. For fixed or solid cancer types there are the more or less restricted spots of cancer tissue, referred to as tumors. There are also non-solid types of cancer, for example leukemia. RFQMR can be applied to solid tumors and their metastases. The treatment is unsuitable for non-solid tumors since the density and location of the cancer cannot be determined.

Cancer Treatment In recent decades, a lot of progress has been made in the existing methods of treatment, yet no new forms of treatment have come about. Depending on the stage of the disease, the treatment focuses on healing. Or when healing is no longer possible, it focuses on treating the symptoms resulting from the disease. Until recently, the methods of treatment were: •Surgery: Tumors are often removed surgically. Commonly, the procedure also removes the tissues around the tumors in order to stem the risk of metastases or of recurrence of the cancer. •Chemotherapy: By means of chemical substances an attempt is made to kill the cancer cells by poisoning them. •Radiotherapy: The treatment attempts to kill the cancer cells by means of X-rays. •CytotronTM treatment is utilized for palliative purposes. There are numerous indications showing that for a great number of patients the cancer process is brought to a halt or slowed down. More importantly, a substantial number of patients experience an improved quality of life.

CytotronTM Cancer Treatment The treatment of tumors with the CytotronTM has now been going on for 5 years. This treatment can be given to any patient in any stage of the disease like any other therapy like Chemo/Radio. Many cases of freshly diagnosed cases have been treated with very good results without metastasis. Other Centres in Bangalore, Malaysia, Delhi and Pakistan are treating all cases. Growth of Cancer Cells Slowed Down

It is possible that the RFQMR treatment in the CytotronTM can slow down or stop tumors development. This may lead to a reduction in the accompanying symptoms such as pain, tiredness and feeling ill. In India, where the CytotronTM has been in use for longer, research has shown a doubling of the life-expectancy in a group of people with various kinds of metastasized cancers. The patients felt better and their quality of life was better.

Not every tumor may be (equally) sensitive to RFQMR. The fast-growing tumors the more sensitive to RFQMR. In view of the machine’s operating principles this is a logical finding. The CytotronTM treatment is safe, with practically no (long-term) side effects. The treatment itself is painless.

Effects of the RFQMR Treatment In general, patients experience a slight, temporary energy drain during the second week of treatment. After this, when the treatment is successful, the following changes will noticeably take place over a period of up to three months: •less complaint about pain and (because of this) a reduction in use of pain killers •A restored appetite and/or less weight loss. •An improvement of the general physical condition; as patients say: "having more energy" In general, with children the effects are more quickly noticeable.

Even if the treatment is successful, patients in general will hardly notice any change for the first 10-14 days. Half way through the treatment some patients may experience an energy drain. Quite gradually, the complaints such as pain, reduced appetite or exhaustion may disappear. Patients mention feeling that they have more energy. Children usually respond somewhat quicker: children’s appetite is more easily restored and they are noticeably happier.

When Can the Treatment with CytotronTM not Take Place? In general a treatment with the CytotronTM is not possible in cases where an MRI scan cannot be made. This is often the case if the body contains metal with magnetic properties.

In theory you might expect the RFQMR treatment to be suitable for non-tumor cancers such as blood- and bone marrow (leukemia). Unfortunately, this is not the case. CytotronTM developers are working on a solution to this but it has not yet been discovered.

It has also been decided as a precautionary measure, not to provide CytotronTM treatments within 1 or 2 weeks following chemotherapy.

No treatment will be provided in case of pregnancy.

Description of the Cancer Treatment The treatment takes place in the CytotronTM Center. Treatment is carried out by specially trained physicians and nurses. Care for and special attention to the individual patient is the prime focus of the therapy.

CytotronTM – the RFQMR Device The CytotronTM is based on the same principles as the MRI scanner but puts the emphasis on enhancing the therapeutic aspects. The MRI scanner utilizes an (electro) magnetic field to create the images. In the CytotronTM the RFQMR signal has a direct effect on the cell functions.

In many ways the treatment resembles the making of an MRI scan. The CytotronTM looks like an MRI scanner, but its design is much more comfortable since the treatment takes 30 to 60 minutes a day over a number of weeks. The CytotronTM tunnel is much wider than the tunnel of the MRI.

 MRI Protocol : ᴥMRI machine should be of 1.5 teslas or more for this therapy and for better resolution ᴥMRI of the affected region or the whole body (to map the extent of metastasis) is done. ᴥSpecial proton density (PD)sequence is obtained with MRI machine ᴥHe will also make a separate pd film for guidance of the technician ᴥThe radiologist will put surface marking (CT guided) of the location of the tumours on the body to help align the RFQMR beams ᴥThe technician will transfer these markings on a transparent sheet for use during therapy sessions ᴥThe PD information will be made in the “CD” which will be uploaded in the computer for planning the dosimetry Note: The dosimetry will be done by the technician/ specialist

The Treatment Prior to the treatment, special MRI Scans must be made. The purpose in making the MRI-scan is to determine the tumor’s density (the so-called proton density) as well as the exact location for focusing the CytotronTM. You need to make sure that you are in a comfortable position during the MRI scan since you will have to adopt exactly the same position for the 28 days of treatment for 60 minutes a day. The MRI operator will also take this into consideration. After checking the scans and the other data the CytotronTM is custom-programmed by one of the physicians. Usually, this is done in close consultation with the radiologist.

General points of attention: ᴥCertain drugs may not be taken for the duration of the treatment. During the intake interview this will be discussed with patient in detail. ᴥThe treatment may not be interrupted, i.e. the sessions are consecutive. ᴥIf patients do not have a ‘normal’ varied and balanced diet, they are advised to take vitamin B complex food supplement (pill) during and for some time following the treatment. ᴥA subsequent treatment is possible if new metastases are discovered at a later stage. This will have to be reviewed from on an individual basis. Subsequent treatments may be scheduled no sooner than 4 weeks following the previous treatment.

Side Effects of the Treatment During and after the treatment patients may experience slight side effects such as headaches, tingling in the extremities, thirst, tiredness and nausea. Not everyone suffers from these side effects. No one person has had all of the above mentioned complaints. The symptoms will subside within a few hours after the treatment. If desired, the doctor may provide them with a prescription drug. The dosimetry may be adjusted in extraordinary cases, in which the side effects do not, or hardly, occur.

CytotronTM Treatment and Chemotherapy In principle, the CytotronTM treatments may occur simultaneously with chemotherapy. As a temporary measure, the centre would decide not to provide CytotronTM treatments within 1 or 2 weeks following chemotherapy. Some research findings have shown that following a CytotronTM treatment, tumours respond better to the chemotherapy than prior to a CytotronTM treatment.

Notes: For metastases the treatment period is always 28 (successive) days. In some cases a number of follow-up treatments are required. These may be started no sooner than one month after the end of the previous RFQMR-cycle. For the treatment of a single solid tumour fewer treatments may suffice. In this case, the costs will be proportionally lower. The same applies to a possible follow-up treatment. The RFQMR physician decides this for each individual patient in consultation with the radiologist.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis And Other Types of Cartilage Damage When cartilage erosion exceeds the rate at which it is produced it eventually results in osteoarthritis. Almost 1 out of every 20 Europeans suffer from a form of osteoarthritis. In general, it is assumed that osteoarthritis is an irreversible process. Until now, the medical treatment only dealt with the symptoms of osteoarthritis (pain and stiffness) through pain medication, physiotherapy or injections into the painful joint and could not offer a cure. Continued wear, aside from pain and stiffness may also cause deformities inside and outside of the joint. For advanced osteoarthritis, usually the only solution is joint replacement surgery. In most cases, when a joint has been affected by osteoarthritis, the sufferer will try to spare the affected joint by shifting the weight away from the painful joint, and this can cause the osteoarthritis to spread to other joints.

With the introduction of the CytotronTM it is possible to treat the osteoarthritis itself by stimulating the production of cartilage by means of RFQMR. In principle, other forms of cartilage damage (such as sports injuries) are also treatable. The treatment is painless. Depending on the size and type of the joint it may take 30 to 60 minutes a day. The treatments must take place on 21 consecutive days (including the weekend!).

Treatable Joints •Knee •Hip •Lower back •Neck •Ankle

Effects of the Treatment Usually, the effects are noticeable approximately two weeks after starting the treatment. Most often there is a decrease in pain. Further improvement may occur over a number of months following the CytotronTM treatment.

The intended results are: •Pain reduction •Improvement of joint function •Measurable increase of cartilage thickness •Improved mobility

For Which Osteoarthritis Patients is RFQMR Suitable? RFQMR as a treatment is suitable: ᴥFor treating chronic pain and/or limitations due to osteoarthritis ᴥFor cartilage damage in general or for damage caused by sports injuries

Which Circumstances make it Impossible to Perform the RFQMR Treatment? There are a number of circumstances in which RFQMR treatment is impossible or only possible at a later date: ᴥWhen the bone and joint deformation is quite serious. Treatment may only be useful following a corrective surgical operation. ᴥWhen the patient has an implant, such as, for example an artificial joint or a pacemaker. As a rule of thumb, a CytotronTM treatment is possible if an MRI-scan can be made. ᴥWhen a joint replacement surgery has taken place in the joint to be treated. ᴥDuring pregnancy.

Description of the Osteoarthritis Treatment The treatment takes place in the Cytotron Center. The treatment is carried out by specially trained physicians and nurses. Care for and special attention to the individual patient is the prime focus of the therapy.

The Treatment Prior to the treatment, MRI scans must be made of the affected joint. When making the MRI scan, the objective is not to generate a sharp image but to determine the exact location for aiming the CytotronTM. The patient should take care to be in a comfortable position during the MRI scan since he will have to lie in exactly the same positions for 21 days for 30 to 60 minutes a day during treatment. The MRI operator will also take this into consideration.

After consultation with the radiologist and based on the results of the MRI scans, the CytotronTM is custom-programmed by one of the CytotronTM centre physicians.

General Points of Attention: For a set period of time during and following the treatment patients must stick to a ‘normal’ varied and balanced diet. ᴥCertain drugs may not be taken for the duration of the treatment. During the consultation with the Doctors this will be discussed with them in detail. ᴥThe treatment may not be interrupted, i.e. the treatments are consecutive. ᴥFor a number of months following the treatment they must avoid heavy loads (on the affected joints). They also need to take plenty of rest. ᴥHalf way through the treatment sessions they are advised to visit their local physiotherapist to slowly build up the strength of their joint. ᴥFood supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitine may be used freely.

Side Effects of the Treatment During and after the treatment patient may experience slight side effects, such as headaches, tingling in the extremities, thirst, tiredness and nausea. Not everyone suffers from these side effects. No one person experiences all of the complaints mentioned. The symptoms will subside within a few hours after the treatment. If desired, the doctor may provide them with a prescription drug.

Important Information: The electric and electromagnetic characterization of CytotronTM was thoroughly tested for its radiation exposure and compared with international commission. On Ionizing Radiation

Protection (ICNIRP) both electric and magnetic field emission from the CytotronTM are well below the levels specified by ICNIRP for the measured frequency band.

This is certified by the electronics and radar development establishment Government of India Ministry of Defense..