Hi, I'm Christy Casey, or C to the 2nd (Get it? CC... C^2 ;) ). I am currently living just over the Hudson from NYC in NJ. I graduated from Montclair State University with a degree in Theatre Studies and Dance in 2015, and the Skillcrush Wordpress Developer Blueprint in 2016.

I love theatre and dance (as you might have gathered from my degree), particularly interactive and immersive performances. I love social psychology because, besides being fascinating, it is incredibly helpful to use existing research to inform interactive research. I am now working as a freelancer in web design and development, lighting and carpentry for events, and handiwork (through TaskRabbit). I hope to build my development skills to make my sites, apps, and designs as interactive as my theatre pieces.

I am excited to share my knowledge on Wikipedia and plan to poke around some of the other Wikimedia resources, including helping a friend with a project built on MediaWiki. I will definitely start with contributing and clarifying the nuances of interactive, immersive, promenade, site-specific, and the many similar variations of non-traditional theatre, as well as writing about key companies that are pioneering these forms, but that is only the beginning!

Check out my portfolio site Ctothe2nd.com and ChristyCasey.com, my personal site designed for my perfomance work.