editHandico is an animated series, directed by Pauline Brunner and Maxime Gridelet and aired on Lumni FR, the educational platform of France Télévisions as welle as on RTS.
The series features Will (hero of the 2D animated series Will, itself adapted from the French comic strip Schumi by Zidrou and E411), published by Editions Paquet, and takes the young viewer into a stop-motion universe to help understand what disabilities are.
editWill, 9 years old, has the life of any child his age. With one difference: he is in a wheelchair. In Handico, Will answers the questions that children have about disabilities.
In season 1, he simply explains, in a graphic and poetic way, autism, paraplegia, Down's syndrome, visual impairment... So many words and troubles that children can be confronted with, and that the series allows them to better understand. Season 2 deals with invisible disabilities, such as ADHD or disabling diseases like diabetes or epilepsy. These are conditions that children are likely to know about because they or their loved ones have them.
editDirector: Pauline Brunner, Maxime Gridelet
Literary Bible: Virginie Boda, Jérôme Nougarolis
Graphic bible: Pauline Brunner, Maxime Gridelet, Régis Vidal
Production company: Cross River
Line producer: Jérôme Nougarolis
Writing direction: Virginie Boda, Marion Verlé
Writers : Marion Verlé, Virginie Boda, Jacob Henry, Marion Gallavardin, Olivier Bardy, Nathalie Mars, Jean-Michel Mézy, Maud Garnier, Isabelle De Catalogne
Consulting doctors : Laetitia Houx, Johanne Mensah, Christelle Pons, Clotilde Huzar
Production manager: Laurence Barret
Production coordinators: Déborah Da Cruz, Zoé Guiet
Production assistants: Jacob Henry, Lola Oval
Direction of the developments : Virginie Boda
Production administration: Michel Dutheil, Armelle Couprie
Storyboard design, layout and editing: Pauline Brunner, Maxime Gridelet
Animation and compositing: Samy Tichadou, Antoine Bieber (assisted by Léo Brinkmann)
Director of photography : Elvis Gygi
Music : Michel Gouty, Editions Amour Passion
Sound design and mixing : Badje Auditoriums
Social media editor : Gwenegann Barreau
International sales: Superights
editWill : Paraplegic from birth, Will is a wheelchair user with a disability in his lower limbs. This does not prevent him from living at full speed. Smart, resourceful, hyperactive, creative, he is a born chatterbox. Curious, passionate, he is always trying to understand, loves to try new things and share what he discovers. There are so many interesting things to discover…
Handy : Animated in stop-motion, Handy draws, glues, scrunches, cuts... Everything that can help to understand better the handicap told by Will.
editS01E01 - Para and Tetraplegia
S01E02 - Autism
S01E03 - The Visually Impaired and the Blind
S01E04 - Deafness
S01E05 - Down Syndrome
S01E06 - Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysphasia, etc.
S01E07 - Psychoses
S01E08 - Malformations
S01E09 - Myopathy
S01E10 - Brittle Bone Disease
S01E11 - Cystic Fibrosis
S01E12 - Phobias
S02E01 - Diabetes
S02E02 - Epilepsy
S02E03 - Bulimia-Anorexia
S02E04 - ADHD
S02E05 - OCD
S02E06 - Depression
S02E07 - Hemophilia
S02E08 - Scoliosis
S02E09 - Asthma
S02E10 - Heart Disease
S02E11 - Premature Birth
S02E12 - Rheumatoid Arthritis