User:Cringe Chan/sandbox

жɯnɛк alphabet in capital letters

The Asurtek alphabet, (Asurtek: жɯnɛк) Inspired by the Russian alphabet, has 20 letters. It has twenty consonants, (Ɖɖ),

(Þþ), (Gg), (Ʋʋ), (H), (L), (K), (Жж), (N), (X), (P), (T), (R), and (Z). It has 6 vowels, (A), (Ɛɛ), (Y), (Ɯɯ), (Ɵɵ), and (Ɐɐ).

In order, the alphabet is (A), (Ɖɖ), (Ɛɛ), (Þþ), (G), (Ʋʋ), (H), (L), (K), (Жж), (Y), (N), (X), (Ɯɯ), (Ɵɵ), (Ɐɐ), (P), (T), (R), and (Z).


Letter Name approximate pronunciation
Aa аh apple
Ɖɖ deh bad
Ɛɛ zeh yes
Þþ theh thing
Gg eh grow
Ʋʋ zhie vine
Hh en hello
Ɱɱ ess money
Kk keh think
Жж zheh vision
Yy iee Employee
Nn eff No
Xx cheh Xylophone
Ɯɯ shah autumn
Ɵɵ uh under
Ɐɐ et awesome
Pp peh pineapple
Tt too Art
Rr are Redo
Zz tozha Ocean