HQ for CrimsonBlack

CrimsonBlack's Vital statistics:

  • Current Residence: England.
  • Favorite movie: Dog solders/Berserk/lost Boy's/Reign Of Fire/Underworld/Howls Moving Castle/Crow/big Trouble In Little China and much much more.
  • Favorite artist: Banksy, Gunnerromantic
  • Favorite poet or writer: Steven King, Ann Hodgman, Anne Rice, Terry Pratchett.
  • Favorite game: eneny meany miney *stab*
  • Favorite cartoon character: Wolverine.
  • Personal Quote: You cant't take it with you when your dead.
  • Tools of the Trade: The Spork Of DoOm

CrimsonBlack currently has one major project running at the moment: Bullets n Bones

CrimsonBlack is of British origin and is currently working towards having her projects go onto publishing standard whilst trying to find her own style. As well as working towards being published she is also hoping to be in the employ of a new up and coming graphic novel [comic] studio which as of yet cannot be named. Catch her at her HQ which is still under minor construction and she can also be found on DeviantArt.