Barry Keenan is an American businessman who is best known as the mastermind behind the 1963 kidnapping of Frank Sinatra, Jr.[1]

At the age of 21, Keenan was already successful in the world of business, as well as being the youngest member of the Los Angeles Stock Exchange.[1] Keenan, along with Johnny Irwin and Joe Amsler, conspired to kidnap Frank Sinatra Jr.[2] A car accident left Keenan penniless and addicted to painkillers; eventually leading him to hatch the scheme and enlist help in the kidnap-for-ransom plan.


  1. ^ a b Courtroom Television Network, LLC. "The Sinatra Kidnapping Case". Turner Entertainment. Retrieved 2008-07-26.
  2. ^ Heffernan, Virginia (2004-08-23). "TELEVISION REVIEW; Unkindness Of Strangers (Doobie-Doobie-Doo)". The New York Times Company. Retrieved 2008-07-26.