about me

I am only creating this account to mainly view the policies easily and make minor edits while at school. If you really need something, the talk page is the only time I will really respond.


Yes my username is spelled incorrectly. I am completely aware and it is on purpose. Well, now anyways, it started as a typo back in '05 but it grew on me so I kept it. I have several accounts on other websites under this name or TheRealCorevette789 (thanks for the idea TheRealLurlock). So if you see me feel free to say hi!

Style Layout

No, I am not some template master. The Userpage style credit goes to Rpeh, The new section button is NX's and the sig is Daedryons. Recently, I have been accused of being Daedryon and I am here to tell you that this is not true. Most users will refuse to believe me but I will stand by the truth.That truth being Daedryon is elsewhere and you will find no vandailism edits from this user.

  • 30 second refresh on the Recent Changes page
  • CorBot, my IRC bot
  • Firefox as a browser
  • Chatzilla as my IRC client
  • Dell laptop as a desktop. (also slow)
  • Windows XP Media Center Edition as my OS
  • Verizon DSL (SLOW)
  • Oblivion CS
  • Morrowind CS