Origin of the Nickname


I wrote two children's books for the children of friends. The title character was an inquisitive, daring young girl named Coolelle.

Who I Am


I'm an inquisitive, daring, young-at-heart female from Brooklyn, NY (yo). I'm the sort of person who notices typos without trying or wanting to, so I often correct typos or grammatical errors on Wikipedia pages. As I have become more expert in my field (see below), I have noticed issues with Wikipedia computing pages, and have begun to edit them.

As of now (Oct 12, 2010) I am still a very new Wikipedia contributor, so please feel free to give me pointers about the "do"s and "don't"s and the "should"s and "should not"s.

I'm an avid Wikipedia user. What I wouldn't have given to have had Wikipedia when I was in school!

What I Do


I've spent many years in computing, in jobs starting with:

moving to

  • applications designer
  • database designer

and finally coming to

  • data modeler
  • data architect

I specialize in hybrid data warehouse models, combining the Inmon normalized, relational model at the core of the data warehouse with the conformed dimensions and bus architecture of Kimball for the data marts.