Bajram Redzepagic is a kidney specialist and novelist who is currently living in Sydney. He was born on the 23rd of November 1939. He originates from Bosnia and Herzegovina and has moved from Berlin to Australia in in the late 1990s. He is most renowned for his disappearance from his workplace on the 27th of January 1995 in Bosnia and after the meticulous efforts of Amnesty International and his family he was found and eventually returned. Bajram is currently working on one of his new novels and is living in Sydney Australia.



Bajram Redzepagic had copious of his works published in Bosnia that have attained positive reviews and respect. Some of his earlier works are Pobunjenik (1977), Pustinjak (1981), Bujice (1974) and Brod (1986). Another notable work of his includes his trilogy Hod Sudbine.



On the 27th of January 1995 Bajram was taken from his workplace. On the same afternoon, Bosnian Army soldiers arrived at Barjam's apartment and carried out a search. Large numbers of people have "disappeared" or been held in unacknowledged detention since the outbreak of war in Bosnia-Herzegovina in spring 1992.

Amnesty International received reports that Bajram was being held in the Viktor Bubanj military barracks in Sarajevo. A relative was permitted to visit him and was reportedly beaten on he head and psychologically tortured. One such personal claim is that he had two German Shepherd dogs tied around his neck.

Approximately on the 15th of March, Bajram was released from the barracks. His detention was reportedly due to the connection with helping another man avoid military service.