
This is my user page. I am a long time reader and annual minor donor to Wikipedia. I have just started editing and am learning by doing. Constructive criticism and suggestions always welcome. What am I supposed to do with this page?

I work now as contract website developer. Most of my clients are in the hospitality industry. Everyone assumes that I know a lot about cool design tools and creative stuff, but I focus on the payments and financial side of websites. I used to be an accountant for a Big 5 firm, in the hospitality and international practices, and before that I worked in hospitality all through school. I was born and grew up as a military brat and travelled a LOT for school and business - I have lived in seven states (Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, North Carolina and Virginia) , ten foreign countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cyprus, Japan, Jordan, France - Metropolitan, Corsica and French Guiana, Morocco, Portugal and Spain) and have travelled extensively in the Mediterranean, Latin American, nd Southeast Asia and the United States. I left public accounting to work for the government for a few years. Now I am done with all that - spend my time mostly in Northern California, Arizona, and central Florida now. I have been an active and lucky private investor since I was in college.

Some of my edits may make more sense given the above.