Foreign Relations of Pakistan

Pakistani-Japanese relations

In order to improve the accuracy and complexity of the section regarding Japanese-Pakistani relations, this source will help to outline the aid that Japan has provided. Specifically, Japan donated money to help flood control programs in Pakistan, as well as increasing the reliability of meteorological systems to predict future storms. This source details the aid given and its purpose, and is pulled from the Japanese embassy in Pakistan.

This source is for the same purpose, but detailing an aid project to spur economic growth with 4.2 million dollars worth of technical equipment and education.

Pakistani-Sri Lankan relations

This source outlines some economic agreements as well as military aid from Pakistan to Sri Lanka. There is an opportunity to add dates to when Pakistan gave military aid to Sri Lanka, and under what reason. The section of the article does not provide any specific actions taken by Pakistan or times when the action was taken to grant aid. There is also no reference to free trade agreements, and mostly focuses on military. This source will provide credible information for both aspects of the relationship.