Wunderkind Little Amadeus


The animated TV-series "Wunderkind Little Amadeus®" began airing in the U.S. in September 2008, and has achieved tremendous success on PBS. The series presents exciting and humorous stories from the childhood and life of the world-famous musical prodigy, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. “Little Amadeus introduces classic music to children and their families, inspiring their musical creativity and encouraging them to become actively involved in music-making.”



"Wunderkind Little Amadeus®" – The Adventures of Young Mozart Wunderkind Little Amadeus presents exciting and humorous stories from the childhood and life of the world-famous musical prodigy, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. A bright and funny 8-year-old, who is ever curious, slightly mischievous and always adventurous, Little Amadeus is a small hero with an independent spirit full of unconventional ideas about the world around him. Actual biographical events from Mozart's life are thoughtfully woven together with fictional storylines to create an unforgettable introduction to the life of Mozart and the magical genius of his enduring music. Together with a range of compelling and relatable characters, including fellow music lover, Archbishop Schrattenbach, Little Amadeus discovers ways to overcome challenges with clever musical solutions in each episode. Additional characters including his devoted parents, Leopold and Anna Maria Mozart, and loyal best friend, Kajetan Hagenauer, play important roles in the series as well. Despite the meddling of the envious Private Secretary and Lord of the Court for the Archbishop, Lorenzo Devilious, and Mario, Lorenzo's musically-average nephew, along with the devious, yet lovable, Monti the Rat, the adventures of Little Amadeus always end on a high note. Despite all the danger and intrigue, the young Mozart is able to escape unharmed thanks in large part to his clever, funny and somewhat cheeky approach to life. Amadeus isn't frightened of authority and nobody escapes his wonderful innocence. In this way, the well researched episodes portray the young Mozart as a fine balance between the world's most famous composer and a cheeky young boy living in the 18th century. Amadeus is a boy who loves his music but is also passionate about playing and discovering the world. In an entertaining way, viewers both young and old learn about both the adventurous side of the young Mozart but above all about his unforgettable compositions. The viewer learns that it is possible to reach a goal using good humour and imagination whereas the fraud used by Devilius does not achieve very much. Wunderkind Little Amadeus, then, is both friend and role model at the same. The creativity of Mozart touches the lives of all those fascinated by his life and music. The 13 new half-hour episodes featured in Season One of Wunderkind Little Amadeus kick off right on key with "Solo for Amadeus", a melodic show that centers on the young hero as he prepares to celebrate the Bishop of Salzburg's name day. The skillful musician is busy preparing a solo to sing at the festivities - while his rival Devilious concocts a devious scheme to ruin the special day and blame it on Wolfgang Amadeus. The musical escapades continue in subsequent episodes, as Little Amadeus searches for his beloved missing pet in "Pumperl in Trouble", uncovers the secret of the local monastery in "The Secret of Ybbs", and plays in the music cafes of Vienna in "Street Musicians", all to the background music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: In the mid-18th Century, Amadeus was only eight years old yet already a mini superstar in Salzburg. His had a natural ability to enchant people with his music. Who would interpret his brash behaviour, his weakness for all things sweet and his love of adventure for anything other than boyhood innocence? Amadeus is able to overcome any challenge his rival Devilius lays before him. All Amadeus needs is his friends as well as his own creativity, wit, charm and vivid imagination.

Nannerl Mozart: Maria Anna, who is better known as Nannerl, is five years older than her brother Amadeus. She plays the piano and violin just as well as her brother but, as girls in that time were not allowed to go out alone, she can only venture outside with Amadeus. Despite this, Nannerl is not jealous of Amadeus but rather tries to help in wherever possible. She always finds herself helping Amadeus out with his fantastic ideas and behaving not at all like the little lady that she would ideally like to be.

Pumperl*: Without their cheeky dog Pumperl *(W. A. Mozart's dog was called "Pimperl" - but the pat's name was changend for the TV-Series in "Pumperl") and was changend, the Mozart family does not feel complete. He shoves his curious nose gladly into strange places and never misses the opportunity for adventure with his master, Amadeus. This could often end badly if were not for the fact that Pumperl is a born rescuer. In sticky situations, the intelligence and courage of Pumperl shines for all to see.

Anna Maria Mozart: For the mother of Amadeus, Anna Maria, fun and togetherness are the most important things in life. Messiness, disorder and sloppiness, on the other hand, are not things she will let pass easily. Yet Amadeus knows exactly how to wrap his mother around his little finger. Anna Maria is the calm backbone of the family. She makes sure that Amadeus has balance in his life by reminding him to spend engouh time with his friends.

Leopold Mozart: The father of Nannerl and Amadeus, Leopold Mozart, guides his two children with equal amounts of love and discipline. He is very proud of his two miracle children. As the head composer and vice court musician for the Archbishop of Salzburg, Leopold uses his position to bring the wonderful work of his son to the world. He organises concert tours and appearances even when this causes financial difficulties and friction with his superiors.

Lorenzo Devilius: Lorenzo Devilius is the private secretary and lord of the court for the Archbishop of Salzburg. His greed for power is insatiable and he aspires to be a great musician, which therefore puts the young Amadeus in the role of his biggest enemy. Behind Devilius’ elegant facade lurks a shady and slippery character of the Archbishop’s court. Behind the curtains of his quarters, Devilius plots to deny the young Amadeus and his family any success and at the same time to show himself as a hero.

Mario Carrieri: Mario is the nephew of Devilius and is only a little bit older than Amadeus. Mario was brought to Salzburg from Milan by his uncle in order to build him into the main competitor for the brilliant Amadeus. Yet Mario is unfotunately an average pupil of music and does not possess the same kind of sparkling personality as Amadeus – a point his uncle refuses to see. Although Mario is trained to compete with Amadeus, in his heart of hearts he would much rather be a good friend to the boy genius.

Monti: Monti, the rat, is Devilius’ little darling and accomplice. Wherever Devilius is, Monti is never too far away and can usually be found tucked away in his jacket pocket. He is always there to encourage Devilius into carrying out evil plans. With his malicious and quick mind, Monti supports Devilius with advice and support on how to weaken the position of Amadeus.

Maria Theresia, Johann Lorenz and Ursel Hagenauer: The Hagenauers are the landlords and best friends of the Mozart family. On the ground floor of the house the two families share, the Hagenauers run a delicatessen that is most beloved by the Archbishop. The Hagenauers daughter, Ursel, is most likely to be found with her best friend, Nannerl. The two talk endlessly about the newest clothes and hair ribbons.

Kajetan Hagenauer: Kajetan is the best friend of Amadeus and every spare moment the two have is spent together living out adventures in Salzburg. And when Amadeus is caught in a tight corner, it is only Kajetan who knows how to interpret the cheeky ideas of his genius friend. Without Kajetan, Amadeus would sometimes be completely lost and helpless. In return, Amadeus often helps Kajetan with his maths homework. Together, they make an unbeatable team.

Countess KissKiss: The widowed Countess KissKiss could live happily in her villa away from the hustle and bustle of the world and free of worries. Yet despite her riches and many celebrations with her noble friends, the Countess finds little to be positive about. When she is not complaing about a terrible migraine, she is bemoaning the dirty state of her silverware. Fortunately for the Countess, she knows Amadeus, who is like her little ray of sunshine that brings joy with his melodies and playful approach to life. Amadeus enjoys the friendship excepting for the constant kisses from the Countess.

Archbishop Schrattenbach: The Archbishop is a huge fan of the young Amadeus and loves his music as well as his spontaneous and intelligent nature. As the regent of the small state of Salzburg, the Archbishop has many opportunities to promote and make a protege out of his tiny friend, Amadeus, who is the son of his court composer. This is all, of course, much to the displeasure of his personal secretary, Devilius, who always tries without success to prevent the rise of Amadeus. A weakness of the Archbishop is his tendency to mispronounce words when he is excited.

Kati: Kati is the daughter of the Salzburg city bakers and has two admirers: Amadeus and Mario. While Kati finds Mario and his scheming plans really awful, she simply adores the young musical Mozart who, in return, admires her charming smile and that she is also an open and honest person. Kati has another weakness apart from Amadeus: the irresistible chocolate kipferl biscuits that are made by the Hagenauer family.


  • Titel: "Wunderkind Little Amadeus – The adventures of Young Mozart"
  • 26 episodes, TV-premiere in Germany 2006, in USA 2008
  • Titelsong: „Little Amadeus“ von Heinz Rudolf Kunze
  • A production of LAR – Little Amadeus Realisierungsgesellschft mbH & Co KG, in conjunction with the German children’s channel KI.KA as well as SWR, HR and NDR
  • Exciting and humorous stories based on historical facts
  • The soundtrack based on the original works from W. A. Mozart new recorded from famous artist and orchestras.


  • ECHO Klassik 2006

"Klassik für Kinder"-Preis DVD-Box "Little Amadeus - Die TV-Serie Geburtstags-Edition"

  • ECHO Klassik 2007

"Klassik für Kinder"-Preis CD "Little Amadeus präsentiert: Mozart für Kinder"