Joshua Mathew Cisneros
BornMay 18 1989
OccupationPizza Chef

Joshua Mathew Cisneros (May 18 1989) is a Mexican American Pizza Dominator, and a boxer at heart. He currently is working for Pizza Guys, hes been working there for 7 months. He loves hanging out. He is an easy going guy. Although most don't really know the real Josh. Cause of his childhood and his disgruntled family his way at looking at life was obscure. He always figured no one would understand. His deep insecurity for himself seemed unscapable, mainly caused by his family, specifically his parents. Although his parents would never know the out come of there way of raising there young kid, he never blamed his parents. He was a realist or more specific a Depressive Realist.

Early times


At a young age of 12 his mind was forced to mature faster then it should of. His mom had many neurosis. She always partied, shunning her kids daily needs. She was extremely jeolous of other women, she always dated younger men, mainly to make her fill young again. "Shes always been jeolous" stated by her X husband, and Josh's dad, Joe Cisnersos. He soon felt that there was quick and easy way to get rid of any annoyance, alcohol.

When he was 11 his mom and dad got devorced. Sharon(mom) felt to tied down, felt too old. So she moved to Chico to try and live the life she wanted. Little did she know that money would cause her more pain then anything Joe(dad) ever did or said.

more to be added soon