

Chuy611 was born September the 13th of 1991 in Monterrey, México; where he still lives. Chuy611 praises himself of being an intellectual and enjoys, among other things, playing guitar and studying physics.

In May 2010, he graduated ITESM highschool with Honors and recognition of CENEVAL as a top student.

In August 2010, Chuy611 started his carreer in Engineering Physics at ITESM (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey)

Some personal information


Chuy's favorite movies include:
The Matrix (All three of them)
The Lord of the Rings
A Clockwork Orange
Harry Potter (still waiting for the ones to come)
Finding Neverland
and others...

Favorite color:

Favorite Band:



−Chuy doesn't quite appreciate reading. (or maybe he doesn't like the way in which the books he's been recommended are written)
−The pseudonym ""Chuy611"" has no hidden reason for existing, it's just a suggested nickname generated by hotmail for Chuy's first e-mail, which was created at around 1999; since then, chuy611 has been his nickname of choice for everything he does.