Most images related to the Myst franchise, e.g. box covers as well as screenshots, were uploaded by me. I have explicit permission from Cyan Worlds, developer of several games of the franchise as well as owner of the Myst brand, as well as Ubisoft, publisher of all and developer of some Myst brand titles.

None of the images are available under the GFDL or a compatible or comparable free license. All of them, however, are free to be used under Copyright terms.

As Presto Studios no longer exists, Ubisoft now holds full rights to the Myst III: Exile title.

A complete copyright declaration follows:

Myst®, Riven™: The sequel to Myst®, realMYST™ interactive 3d edition, Uru™: Ages beyond Myst®, Uru™: The Complete Chronicles™ and D'ni™, and respective logos are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Cyan Worlds, Inc., and copyright by Cyan Worlds, Inc. under license to Ubisoft Entertainment, Inc.
Myst® III: Exile™ is a trademark and copyright by Presto Studios, Inc. under license to Ubisoft Entertainment, Inc.
Myst® IV: Revelation™ is a trademark and copyright by Ubisoft Entertainment, Inc.
All Myst, Riven, D'ni, Uru images, text, sound and music © by Cyan Worlds, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part may be copied or reproduced without express, written permission of Cyan Worlds, Inc.