Article Evaluation (Nursing Assessment Article)

  • The links in the article all work well in exception to the ATI link that is supposed to lead you to the ATI website and provide the reader with more information regarding physical assessments
  • The pain section of the article was underrepresented. Tools including the Numeric Pain Scale, The FACES Pain Scale, and the PAIN-AD Scale were not mentioned in the article as valid resources to help accurately assess the pain of a patient.
  • I found the article to be distracting because it did not flow in a cohesive order. The article would jump from components of a health history assessment to a physical assessment and then to a psychosocial assessment with no clear direction.
  • On the "talk" page, another editor asked where the phrase "Three elements of Nursing Situation" originated. It seems that there wasn't a citation or reference to validate the three elements listed.
  • Environmental safety/ Environmental scanning assessment was underrepresented in the article. It did not mention tools to use, what is considered safe and unsafe, nor what environment it was referring to (hospital, Long Term Care Facility, Patient Home Care, etc.)
  • Towards the end of the article when it lists types of RN licensure, Nurse Practitioner is not listed
  • Also towards the end of the article when it lists the components of Vital Sign Assessment, it does not include Oxygen saturation or Pain rating

Improving Articles: Week 5


1.) Smoking cessation Smoking_cessation Overall the article was well written, however there were a few areas I think needed some improvement. It mentions may times that nicotine replacement therapy and electronic cigarettes may help the cessation of smoking cigarettes, and although this is true, it is essential to note that no tobacco use is the goal. I think that without identifying that ANY form of tobacco use in any form is harmful to the body and the goal is to discontinue all use. The electronic cigarette is by no means a safe alternative to a cigarette. In addition, a medical student on the talk page who had simplified and updated the medications section of the article, noted that the methods section could also use simplification. I agree that the methods section is a bit overwhelming to read. Also there are a lot of statistics that seem to be unnecessary to the validity of the article. Lastly, I would like to note that there were no resources available for individuals who were interested in smoking cessation. In my opinion, the addition of online resources could be of value to many individuals seeking support or further knowledge regarding the topic.

2.) Ethics of Circumcision Ethics_of_circumcision This article was very difficult for me to read and I study medicine and use medical terminology regularly. In addition to excessive medical jargon, I feel like the area devoted to the ethics of circumcision, from the opinions of many accredited individuals was extremely unorganized. There was no logical flow to the differing opinions, making it extremely difficult to comprehend. In addition, I think more information regarding the procedure of a circumcision would prove to be beneficial to those who have limited understanding. I also think it is important to mention that culture and religious values play an especially large role in the ethical decision make of many families and health providers. I therefore think the article is lacking an essential piece of information needed to fully understand the rationale behind the procedure for many people. Lastly, I think it is important to list some of the statistically proven advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.

Editing An Existing Article: Week 7


As I previously stated above, there are some aspects of the smoking cessation Smoking_cessation article that could use improvement and editing. Because tobacco use of any kind is such a prevalent risk factor for many chronic diseases such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, etc. patient education is necessary. I would like to add in an area focused on education of negative affects of tobacco use.

Bibliography Monteiro Mantovani, V., Rodríguez Acelas, A. L., Lucena, A. d. F., Abreu Almeida, M., Paz da Silva Heldt, Elizeth, Klockner Boaz, S., & Echer, I. C. (2017;2016;). Nursing outcomes for the evaluation of patients during smoking cessation. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, 28(4), 204-210. doi:10.1111/2047-3095.12138

Lepage, M., Dumas, L., & Saint-Pierre, C. (2015). Teaching smoking cessation to future nurses: Quebec educators’ beliefs. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 37(3), 376-393. doi:10.1177/0193945913510629

Siddiqui, F., Huque, R., & Dogar, O. (2016). Updated evidence-based guide to smoking cessation therapies. British Journal of Community Nursing, 21(12), 607-611. doi:10.12968/bjcn.2016.21.12.607

Draft for Editing an Article


Education on the Negative Effects of Tobacco Use:

In recent years, the negative effects of tobacco use has been brought the attention of the population. Due to its link to many chronic diseases, the limitation of cigarette smoking has been restricted in many public areas. It is essential that the public continue to be educated on the negative effects of tobacco use and the benefits to smoking cessation. Smoking is the primary cause of many chronic diseases and has been proven to be the most preventible risk associated with early death[1]. It contributes to the development of life threatening diseases including multiple forms of cancer, cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, coronary artery disease, etc.) and many respiratory diseases such as COPD[2]. With the help of healthcare professionals, smoking cessation is achievable. Eliminating the use of nicotine entirely has proven to be the most effective in maintaining adequate overall health.

  1. ^ . doi:10.12968/bjcn.2016.21.12.607. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)
  2. ^ Monteiro Mantovani, Vanessa; Rodríguez Acelas, Alba Luz; Lucena, Amália de Fátima; de Abreu Almeida, Miriam; Paz da Silva Heldt, Elizeth; Klockner Boaz, Solange; Echer, Isabel Cristina (October 2017). "Nursing Outcomes for the Evaluation of Patients During Smoking Cessation". International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. 28 (4): 204–210. doi:10.1111/2047-3095.12138.


I evaluated your article as well as your article critiques using a certain criteria. This criteria included whether or not the present article information was relevant to the topic, if the information remained neutral, if information was over presented, if the citation links worked, and whether or not the information presented was out of date. I found that the information presented in the article was in fact relevant to the topic. The information you added to the article was useful in the introduction to add more clarity to why this information is important to the reader. I also did not notice any current or added bias to the information. In the talk section an editor talked about adding "magic shrooms" I believe adding this information to the article would be adding bias to this article. I don't think this information should be added to the article. The editor doesn't have a reliable source other than personal opinion. Also the information presented was not over presented, I believe it was organized in an effective way that makes reading the article concise and beneficial. I clicked on several links throughout the article, and they were effective in bringing me to the source of the information. I would evaluate some of the statistics that were included at the end of the article. These could be out of date, and it would be beneficial for the reader to be able to read the most recent statistics that apply to smoking cessation.

Signed: Madelyn Engelsma

Final Reflective Essay


Critiquing articles: What did you learn about Wikipedia during the article evaluation? How did you approach critiquing the article you selected for this assignment? How did you decide what to add to your chosen article?

This assignment really taught me how to critique an article. It allowed me to develop the skills to examine what the strengths and limitations of the articles were and what I could do to improve it. With this being said, I also had to think of creative and effective ways that it could be improved that would be beneficial to the reader. Not all people who look on wikipedia are well educated in the specific topics they are researching, so it is important to logically formulate your thoughts in ways that most people would understand. I look at areas of the article that seemed really vague to me, and I tried to imagine pieces of information that would be beneficial to me if I were attempting to gain insight on the topic. As a result, I added more information in the introduction section of the article smoking cessation to help readers clearly understand why the topic is so important. Using my knowledge from class, I was able to pick strong peer edited research articles that supported the information I was adding to the article. This provided readers with reliable information regarding the relevance of smoking cessation.

Summarizing your contributions: include a summary of your edits and why you felt they were a valuable addition to the article. How does your article compare to earlier versions?

I added some clarification to the importance of smoking cessation in the introduction of the article. Although I only ended up contributing a few sentences from my original draft of my article addition to the article itself, I feel like what I added benefited the overall content. Smoking cessation, although making large strides in the past 5 years, still requires a lot of attention. it is still the primary risk for many chronic diseases that take the lives of people every day. I think the main reason for this is peoples lack of education on the negative effects of smoking. I think that with the right knowledge, people are more well informed and can make educated decisions regarding their health. I think my additions add detail to the negative effects of smoking and therefore put the readers at and advantage to make well-informed choices regarding their health.

Peer Review: If your class did peer review, include information about the peer review process. What did you contribute in your review of your peers article? What did your peers recommend you change on your article?

As a portion of our assignments on wikipedia, we had to review some of the additions our class mates were making to the articles they were editing. I analyzed the drafts of their addition to the article and offered my opinion on information that I thought contributed to the overall piece and what didn't. The peer review is beneficial because it allows other classmates to both the original article you're critiquing and the edits you're making to it. I is helpful for another set of eyes to see both and comment on what is important or not important to add. Additionally, they may see a section of the article that could use editing that you may have not seen yourself.

Feedback: Did you receive feedback from other Wikipedia editors, and if so, how did you respond to and handle that feedback?

A peer reviewed my edits and original article and suggested I fact check some the statistics at the end of the article. This was helpful because I didn't originally think to do that, however, after she mentioned it to me I immediately did so.

Wikipedia generally: What did you learn from contributing to Wikipedia? How does a Wikipedia assignment compare to other assignments you've done in the past? How can Wikipedia be used to improve public understanding of our field/your topic? Why is this important?

This assignment was definitely different from other assignments and a learning experience for my classmates and I. Wikipedia was not originally very user friendly, and as a result, very difficult to navigate. However, with time it became easier to manage. The assignments on wikipedia encouraged me to work independently and use the skills I have learned in my Nursing Research class to effective find and examine articles. It helped me build confidence in my ability to decide what is necessary to add to the validity of an article. Overall, it was an interesting experience that I will utilize in the rest of my college and professional career.Christinacarnagie (talk) 21:40, 4 December 2017 (UTC)