Chris Collins is an martial arts instructor, actor and action choreographer.

With over 30 years of experience in Marial Arts, he now focuses on teaching Wing Tsun, Brazilian Jiujitsu, Pekiti-Tirsia Kali and Boxing. He is currently a Master Level Instructor in WingTsun Kung Fu under Greatmaster Cheng Chuen Fun and Grandmaster Leung Ting. He is Brown Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu representing Clark Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in Hong Kong. He is also Hong Kong’s National Director of the Pekiti-Tirsia Kali Combat System founded by Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje Jr., under Tuhon Rommel Tortal and Mandala Jasper De Ocampo.


Chris Collins is a former competitive boxer, Greco Roman wrestler, full contact fighter, and US Marine. During those years, he developed a deep understanding of the Combat Arts.



2017 - Paradox (Sacha)

2016 - Mission Milano (Mercenary)

2015 - Helios (His Majesty)

2015 - Wolf Warrior (Cowboy)

2013 - The White Storm (Lead Mercenary)

Action Choregrapher:

2017 - Paradox 貪狼

2015 - Helios 赤道

2015 - Wolf Warrior 战狼

2013 - The White Storm 掃毒
