
List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent

List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent, including notable people in Nazi German service, such as Schutzstaffel members, who had some non-German ancestry. Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent. There were also many of full or partial Slavic descent. See Nuremberg Laws for further information on the status of non-Aryan people in Nazi Germany.

OKW and OKH secret reports show that half-Jews could only serve in Ersatzreserve II or Landwehr II, while quarter-Jews remained in the Wehrmacht and were eligible for promotion. Employment or promotion of quarter-Jews required Hitler's approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg noted that there were two field marshals and fifteen generals (two full generals, eight lieutenant generals, five major generals) who were Jews or of partial Jewish descent. Rigg estimated that there were 150,000 men of some Jewish descent that served in the German armed forces during World War II. 1,671 have been identified (as of 2010). Hitler personally issued German Blood papers to mischlings (mixed Jewish) for their continuing service.