Thomas Adams - Henry Ainsworth - William Ames - John Archer - Simeon Ashe

Edmund Bagshaw - Robert Baillie - Thomas Bainbridge - Thomas Ball - Robert Balsom - Robert Barclay - Nathaniel Barnardiston - James Barron - John Bastwick - Barrowists - Paul Baynes - John Beadle - Richard Bernard - Richard Blackerby - Robert Bolton - The Book of Discipline - Book of Discipline - William Bradford - William Bradshaw - Katherine Brettaugh - William Brewster - William Bridge - John Bridges (dean) - Thomas Brightman - Benjamin Brook - John Bruen - Jeremiah Burroughs - Henry Burton - Leonard Busher

Richard Capel - Lucius Carey - Robert Carey - Sebastian Castellio - Zachary Catlin - John Carter (Puritan) - Laurence Chaderton - Francis Cheynell - John Chilliburne - Edmund Chillington - Catherine Clarke - Hugh Clarke - Samuel Clarke (minister) - John Cook - Anthony Cope - John Cotton - William Cowper - James Cranford - Samuel Crook - Samuel Crooke - Ezekiel Culverwel

John Davenport - Stephen Denison - Edward Dering - H. M. Dexter/Congregationalism - Dudley Digges - John Dod - John Downame - Thomas Draxe - Erasmus Dryden - Daniel Dyke

John Eaton - Thomas Edwards - Stephen Egerton - John Everard (preacher)

Samuel Fairclough - Familists - Richard Farnham - Daniel Featley - Henry Ferne - Thomas Foxley - William Fulke - Nicholas Fuller

Thomas Gataker - Agostino Giustiniani - Thomas Goodwin - William Gouge - Stanley Gower - Richard Greenham - John Greenwood - Mary Gunter

George Hakewill - John Hales/Schisme - William Haller - Rapha Harford - Lord Harington/Exton - Robert Harris/Trinity Oxford - William Harrison - Robert Harrisson - Thomas Helwys - Alexander Henderson - Julines Herring - John Hetherington - Peter Heylyn - Samuel Hieron - Arthur Hildersam - Thomas Hill - William Hinde - Richard Holdsworth - Henry Holland - Thomas Hooker - Samuel How - Philip Hunton - Ann Hutchinson - Arthur Jackson (minister) - Henry Jacobs - Henry Jacob - John Janeway - William Jemmat - Francis Johnson (Brownist) - Vincent Jukes - William Kiffin - John Knewstubs - Richard Knightley - Hanserd Knollys - William Larner - Henry Lawrence - Alexander Leighton - William Leygh - John Machin - Francis Marbury - Valentine Marshall - Millennary Petition - Lewis du Moulin - Pierre du Moulin - John Murton - Daniel Neal - Richard Neil - Henry Nicholas - John Norton/Life of Cotton - Philip Nye - Charles Offspring - Thanckful Owen - Herbert Palmer (Puritan) - Henry Parker (writer) - Philus Adelphus - John Penry - William Perkins - Hugh Peters - Barnaby Potter - Gabriel Powell - John Preston/Emmanuel - Giles Randall - John Robinson (Puritan) - Richard Rogers (Puritan) - Richard Rothwel - John Rowe - Edmund Rozer - John Saltmarsh - Edwin Sandys - William Scudder - John Sedgwick - Richard Senhouse - Richard Sibbes - Sidrach Simpson - Smectymnuus - Henry Smith - Peter Smith/Willet - John Smyth - John Spencer (preacher) - Edmund Staunton - Richard Stock - Samuel Stone - Thomas Taylor - Job Throckmorton - Georgege Thomason - Edward Topsell - Samuel Torshell - Walter Travers - Ursinus - James Ussher - George Walker (Puritan) - William Walwyn - Samuel Ward - John Wharton - Jeremiah Whitaker - William Whitaker - Samuel Whiting - John Wilkins - Elizabeth Wilkinson - Andrew Willet - Roger Williams - Anthony Wooton - Matthew Wren - Henry Yelverton (attorney-general) - Thomas Young (tutor to Milton)