Cory Hain's Wiki Home

About me:

I am a man
I am a father
I am diagnosed ADHD (IRCM)
I have my own theories and models to describe AD/HD at my Contextual Mind site

This is the link to the theory of Functional Typology

Here are the continua that describe the cognitive types:

Here is my "genetic spread" theory on the evolution of ADHD (and Asperger's)

Why does AD/HD exist?

1. It started as a simple way of spreading genes across different cultural groups.
2. It ended up being a driver of innovation and technology as a secondary effect. Therefore continues to be selected for.

ADHD Genetic Carrier Theory (This theory also explains Asperger's)

As groups formed tight knit bonds through culture in order to provide "safety in numbers", there was no incentive for an individual to leave the birth group. This meant that groups would have a limited genetic pool. Highly structured groups/culture tend to be xenophobic. This creates an environment in which genetic material is not fresh. In a highly complex animal this creates genetic diseases that eventually wipe out the group. (see Muller's ratchet)

Groups needed both fresh genetic material and xenophobia.

Cultural structure needs to be tight in small groups. A strict hierarchy must be maintained in order to provide the best protection. Foreigners bring new ideas and instability. This creates a conundrum.

Groups that let in foreigners in would have fresh genetic material to keep the group healthy.

People do not leave their birth groups because:

1. They must leave the comfort of the group
2. Leaving means exposing the individuals of outside dangers
3. They will perish because other groups will not allow them in with their threatening foreign views.

Groups would die off after several generations. The groups that died did not have an adaption that is known as AD/HD.

In order to share fresh genes with other groups an certain individual is needed that:

1. Is uncomfortable in group situations or causes trouble in the group.
2. Has novelty seeking tendencies and a curiosity for other cultures.
3. Has the capabilities to survive in the wilderness.
4. Has attributes that will cause the non-birth group to bring them in.
5. Can build a role in the adoptive tribal group that benefits it.

Predictions following number 1:

Extra-cultural: Individual has trouble in accepting group norms. This individual would question the power structure.
Result banishment.

High degree of social anxiety into sexual maturity. Unease with social situation and low attachment to group.
Result: Leaving the birth group.

High anxiety in birth group + lower anxiety in non-birth group = The opposite of standard cultural patterning

Has attraction to groups they are not a member of (gender, age, culture, position)

Predictions following number 2:

Chronic boredom and hyperfocus on what is beyond the horizon.
Result: Enthusiasm to find new people and places. Interest or fascination with foreign things

Predictions following number 3:

Heightened senses. Extreme environmental awareness. Creativity in building shelter and finding food. Eating things that are outside the normal diet. Sturdy physical structure. Ability to build context of surroundings to find escape routes from predatory animals. Constant scanning of environment (Focus is death but constant context building is survival). Ability to endure extremes in temperature but intense sensitivity to drops in basal body temperature.

Predictions following number 4:

Non-threatening appearance to be allowed into foreign tribe.

Facial characteristics that are non-threatening would be childlike appearance, goofy or non-serious looks, funny facial expressions.

Non-threatening physical characteristics: Clumsy, Odd walking styles, funny mannerisms, highly idiosyncratic.

Non-threatening mental characteristics: Universal humor (body humor - noises), childlike fascination with new culture. Willingness to learn. Ability to make strong one on one connections with people in tribe. Deference, apologetic, willing to please. Unafraid to approach and make connections with powerful people in tribe (and mate with them). Entertaining.

Predictions following number 5:

Valuable roles in a tribe that do not need culture. Care taking, Knowledge of medicine, Entertaining (story telling), Teaching, consulting, Artistic expression, technology, help in protecting group by monitoring environment.

Skills needed. Superior language capability. Observational skills that enable individual to "fit in" but as an extra-cultural.

In order to create such an individual, a simple removal of the connection between the cultural processing memory and awareness needs to happen. This is probably done through altering serotonin and dopamine. It leads to a strong connection between the contextual/experiential memory and awareness.

Interesting...........very interesting.I'm afraid I don't understand it fully.But it sounds like something that deserves attention...It's better than that "hunter in a farmers world" crap anyway.