Entrepreneur and international businessman, Chad Darus McClellan born Feb 24, 1971, in Shelbyville, Indiana, county of Shelby, USA, to mother Fern Ernestine McClellan (Roberts) and father Marlin Duane McClellan.

When only 8 years old Chad was already building robotic and automated machines using small motors, electronics, and computer programming. He was using his self taught computer Basic, Basic +, and Expanded Basic computer languages to develop several video games for a pre-windows platform.

Chad was a pioneer in setting up BBS (Bulletin Board System) in the Midwest. The BBS was a precursor to our modern day Internet, where users could call in over their home telephone lines and log into the BBS and chat with or leave messages for other members.

Chad attended Arlington Elementary School in Arlington, Indiana, and Saint Mary's Catholic School in Rushville, Indiana.

At the tender age of 12 years, Chad developed his first business plan, and by the the time he was age 15, his parents allowed him to implement his plan and open his first business while being a sophomore attending Rushville Consolidated High School.

Chad's Video opened in 1986 in Morristown, IN, and instantly became a successful and profitable business. By Chad's senior year, 1989, while still in high school he opened and owned 3 video rental stores in Rushville, IN and Morristown, IN, at the age of 17.

After graduating high school Chad was married from 1989 to 1994 to his high school sweetheart, Carrie Gail Ransdell. They had 3 boys, Chad Matthew, Michael Zachary, and Steven James McClellan. Born respectfully in 1989, 90, and 91.

In 1995 Chad become a licensed real estate agent and Realtor, while raising his 3 boys which he received full custody of from the court. And he was still overseeing and growing his video store businesses.

If that wasn't already enough responsibility Chad was also enrolled at Indiana University from 1992 to 1997 working towards his Doctorate of Jurisprudence degree.

In 1997 Chad opened the first Wireless World retail store in Indianapolis, IN and within the next year he had a chain of 6 stores in operation.

Using TV commercials he helped bring the prepaid phone service to all those unable to qualify for conventional cellular phone contracts. His stores also sold pagers and service, along with all types of accessories. He helped to expand communication to all the people in all areas of Indianapolis.

Chad soon expanded his business reach well beyond his local community and began international trade via another new corporate venture, often himself flying to China and other countries procuring and sourcing products to import and sell via Internet websites. Of which he owned more than 200 eCommerce sites.

By the time he was 21 he had already generated over $1 million in gross sales and by the time he was 31 he had over $15 million in gross sales, and was currently operating businesses generating millions of dollars per year in revenue.

Chad had direct connections around the globe for product sourcing as well as contracts in place to purchase semi loads of products at greatly discounted prices from Meijer, Wal-Mart, Sears, K-Mart, and many other well known national retail chains.

By the time Chad was 35 years old his companies were generating over $20 million per year in gross sales.