Chad Jeremy Dixon Born January 11th 1989. Chad has lived in Morgantown WV a majority of his life. His Papas name is David Dixon and Mothers name is Cathy Dixon. Chads Parents divorced when he was 5 years old. Chad was adopted at birth by David And Cathy. His biological Mothers name is unknown but was 14 when she had chad and lived in Wheeling WV. Chad attended Riverside Elementary, Westwood Middle, And University High School where he was elected Freshman class president and played Basketball until later released from team for behavioral reasons. Chad played and started on his High Schools team and also played and started for his middle schools Basketball and Football teams along with running track. At age 16 gained recognition as a very talented rap artist by releasing two independent albums Titled The Dub On My Shoulders, and Money By Any Means. His moniker is Kizzle, and Has worked with a wide variety of musicians, preforming shows and shooting self paid music videos. At one time, he was best known for being the Founder, CEO, and Member of The Team Entertainment. He now does his own projects alone, and has since started a new Independent Label called RNC(Real N**** Committee). Since his release from over a year and a half imprisonment during 2010-2011 stemming from a 2009 felony incident Kizzle has released only a little under 10 songs, all of which were recorded in his own studio located in Orlando Fl. Never the less, anticipation and build up surrounds him due to the popularity from his singles, Gotta Let It Out, Meant To Be, and First Time have created since being released under the label RNC. The birth of his first child Mila, on July 31st 2012 has played a huge role in the young musicians life, and with the news of his long time girlfriend Eryn Gullett pregnant and expecting a son in October, the 24 year old aspiring rap artist is faced with a magnitude of multiple decisions to make requiring rap in general. Morgantown WV isn't known for a wide range of things outside of West Virginia University Academics and Sports. NBA logo, Hall of Famer, and former West Virginia University alum Jerry West is without a doubt the most famous individual with ties to the Morgantown community, Second would be Don Knotts an actor on the hit sitcom The Andy Griffith Show. No rap artist has made it main stream or with a Major Label to date from not only Morgantown but West Virginia in general. Chad has admitted time after time, before he was incarcerated the 6th and final time, which was a period of over a year and a half, he had struggled with alcohol and drug addiction which made it very unclear if any Major Label would ever take a gamble on the obviously talented but troubled artist due to his on and off again problems with both Drugs and arrests.