Carmen Andras is a graduate of the “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Letters. (1980). She is presently a senior scientific researcher at the "Gheorghe Sincai" Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities of the Romanian Academy, in Targu Mures, Romania. Her PhD dissertation is entitled: “THE IMAGE OF THE ROMANIANS AS SEEN BY BRITISH TRAVELLERS” (2000). Her main interests are in comparative literature and cultural studies, imagology, postcolonial and postcommunist studies.


1. “The Reception of Modern English Literature by the Romanian Writers (1780-1830)” at the 2nd International Congress of the American Society for Romanian Studies, Iaşi, Romania, July 6-10, 1993;

2. “England and English Literature in the Consciousness of the Romanian Intellectual Elite at the Crossing of the 18th and 19th centuries”, at the 19th Congress of the “American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences”, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, USA, November 3-6, 1994;

3. “The Message of the British Books in the Enlightenment Libraries from Transylvania”, at the 20th Congress of the “American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences”, Reno, Nevada, USA, August 22-28, 1995;

4. “Myth and Symbolism in Alina Diaconu’s Novel”, at the 21st Congress of the “American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences”, Victoria University, Canada, 26-29 September, 1996;

5. “Romanian Images in Alan Brownjohn’s Novel «The Long Shadows»”, at the 22nd Congress of the “American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences”, University of Târgovişte, Romania, June 25-30, 1997;

6. “Romania’s Images in British Literature. Clichés, Stereotypes, Archetypes”, at the 23rd Congress of the “American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences”, Rochester, USA, August 1998.

7. „Romania and its Images in 19th Century British Travel Writing: In-between Peripherality and Cultural Interference“, at the International Conference “The Contemporary of the Non-Contemporary“, the Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies, Vienna, 06-08 December, 2002.

8. “Romania and Its Images in Contemporary British Literature,” at “The Cultures of Post-1989 Central and East Europe”, Târgu-Mureş, 21-23 August, 2003.

9. “Looking for Romania. Psychological Quest and Detective Investigation in Contemporary British Fiction”, at the International Conference “The Unifying Aspect of Cultures”, the Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies, Vienna, 7-9 November, 2003.

10. “Balkanist Stereotypes, Gendered Nations and Literarization of Romania in Contemporary British Literature”, at the International Colloquium “Bonnes et Mauvaises Moeurs dans les Sociétés des Balkans”, New Europe College, École Doctarale en Sciences Sociales, Bucureşti, 5-6 March, 2004.

11. “British Travel Literature in the 19th Century: Transdisciplinarity and Genre Crossing”, at the International Conference “Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies”, the Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Studies, Vienna, 9-11 December, 2005.

12. “British Travel Literature about Romania in the 18-19th Centuries”, at the Sixth European Social Science History Conference”, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, 22-25 March 2006.

PRIZES in 2004

           The Prize of the Association for General and Comparative Literature from Romania (Asociaţia pentru Literatură Generală şi Comparată din România) for Comparative Literature (head of the jury: Paul Cornea) with the book România şi imaginile ei în literatura britanică. Un spaţiu de frontieră culturală, Bucureşti, 2004.
           The Prize of The Writers’ Union from Romania, the Mureş branch, for the book  Romania şi imaginile ei în literatura britanică. Un spaţiu de frontieră culturală, Bucureşti, 2004.
           Nominated for the Great Prometheus Prize (Opera Prima), head of the jury: Adrian Pleşu, Bucureşti, 2004


o An IREX travel grant for participating at the 19th Congress of the “American-Romanian Academy of Arts and Science” in the USA (November 1994).

o 5 research journeys in Britain, in the framework of the convention between the Romanian Academy and the British Academy (October 1996, November 1998, November 2002, November 2004, October 2005).

o Pre-doctoral research grant from the Foundation for an Open Society (SOROS) – November 1999.


1. “Mitul politic al dictatorului exemplar. Distopii comuniste”, in Observator Cultural, nr. 49 (306)/2-8 februarie 2006, pp. 16-7.

2. “România – ţara disidenţei anticomuniste şi-sau ţara dictatorului comunist disident”, in Observator Cultural, nr. 52 (309), 1 martie 2006, pp. 12-3.

3. “Balkanist Stereotypes, Gendered Nations and Literarization of Romania in Contemporary British Literature”, in Bonnes et mauvaises moeurs dans la société roumaine d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, École Doctorale Francophone en Sciences Sociales, Europe Centrale et Orientale and New Europe College, Bucureşti, 2005, pp. 271-303.

4. “Europeanness and Non-Europeanness in British Discourses about Contemporary Romania – under the Sign of (East)-Euroskepticism”, in For a Stronger and Wider European Union, Simion Costea (coordinator), Cluj Napoca, Napoca Star Publishing House, 2005, pp. 231-247, ISSN 973-647-288-4.

5. “Familia, statutul femeii şi moralitatea în reprezentările britanice despre români şi Romania”, in Sud-Estul şi Contextul European –Familia, Buletin XI- 2001, Academia Română, Institutul de Studii Sud-Est Europene, Bucureşti, 2005, pp. 37-67.

6. “Naţiune, Gen şi Literarizarea României în proza engleză contemporană. Un tărâm îndepărtat al legendelor şi poeziei” (“Nation, Gender and Literarization of Romania in Contemporary British Literature. A Remote Land of Legend and Poetry”), in The Yearbook of the “Gheorghe Şincai” Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities, VII, Târgu-Mureş, 2004, pp. 120-131.

7. “O călătoare irlandeză în căutarea strigoilor balcanici. Dervla Murphy şi Transilvania post-comunistă” (“An Irish Traveller Looking for Balkan Ghosts. Dervla Murphy and Post-Communist Transylvania”), in Observator Cultural, Bucureşti, nr. 219, 2004, p. 15.

8. “Reprezentând alteritatea: studiile de imagine şi studiile culturale comparate” (“Representing the Other: image studies and comparative cultural studies “), in The Yearbook of the “Gheorghe Şincai” Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities, V-VI, Târgu-Mureş, 2002-2003.

9. “Romania in British Travel Literature. Discursive Geography and Strategies for Liminal Space”, in Caietele Echinox, vol.5 (“Symbolic Geographies”),Cluj-Napoca, Dacia, 2003, pp.104-15, ISSN 1582-960X.

10. “Olivia Manning şi Bucureştiul interbelic” (“Olivia Manning and Inter-War Bucharest”), in Caietele Echinox, vol.4 (“Restrictions and Censorship”), 2003, pp.174-182, ISSN 1582-960X.

11. „Romania văzută de britanici: un spaţiu de frontieră culturală” („Romania perceived by the British: a space of cultural frontier”), in Observator Cultural, Bucureşti, nr. 97-98, 2002, pp. 18-21.

12. “Din nou despre «balcanitatea» noastră” (“Again about our «balkanness»”) in Observator Cultural, Bucureşti, nr.85, 2001, p. 16.

13. “Comparatism, studiile de imagine şi comunicarea intelectuală” (“Comparatism, image studies and intellectual communication”), in Observator Cultural, Bucureşti, nr. 71, 2001, p. 13.

14. “Balcanii lor … sau ai noştri?” (“Their Balkans … or ours?”) in Observator Cultural, Bucureşti, nr. 40, 2001, p. 32.

15. “Balcanii – între realitate şi imaginar”. Interviu cu Vesna Goldsworthy (“The Balkans – between reality and the imaginary” Interview with Vesna Goldsworthy), I, II, in Observator Cultural, Bucureşti, nr. 36-37, 2000, p. 32

16. “Călătoria programatică şi cunoaşterea Celuilalt dintr-o perspectivă britanică” (“The Programmatic Travel and the Knowledge of the Other from a British Perspective”), in Discobolul, Alba Iulia, nr. 25, 2000, pp. 64-74.

17. “Romania văzută de britanici! Consideraţii asupra unui studiu de imagine.” (“Romania seen by the British! Considerations upon an Image Study”), in the Yearbook of the Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities, III-IV, Târgu-Mureş, 2000-2001, pp. 231-238.

18. “Cărţi româneşti la British Library” (“Romanian Books at the British Library”), in Jurnalul de Mureş, Târgu-Mureş, nr. 163, 2000, p. 8.

19. “Imaginând harta Europei de sud-est. Iluminismul apusean şi reprezentarea Europei” (“Imagining the Map of South-Eastern Europe: Western Enlightenment and the Representation of Europe”), in Discobolul, Alba Iulia, nr. 23-24, 1999, pp. 92-103.

20. “Imaginile Celuilalt. Valori estetice şi idei dominante în jurnalele de călătorie britanice despre Romania” (“Images of the Other. Esthetical Values and Dominant Ideas in the British Travel Journals about Romania”), in The Yearbook of the Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities, II, Târgu-Mureş, 1999, pp. 191-205.

21. “Alan Brownjohn şi reconsiderarea imaginilor româneşti” (“Alan Brownjohn and the Reappraisal of Romanian Images”), in Discobolul, Alba Iulia, nr. 18, 1999, pp. 75-83.

22. “Imaginile Transilvaniei în literatura britanică” (“Images of Transylvania in British Literature”), in Echinox, Cluj-Napoca, nr. 12, 1999.

23. “Imaginile românilor în jurnalele de călătorie britanice: Loisirul” (“Images of the Romanians in British Travel Journals: the Leisure”), in Yearbook of the Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities, I, Târgu-Mureş, 1998, pp. 174-203.

24. “Alan Brownjohn şi complexitatea realităţilor româneşti” (“Alan Brownjohn and the Complexity of Romanian Realities”), in Romanian – American Confluences, vol. II, Târgu-Mureş, Mica Doris, 1999, pp. 51-61.

25. “Imagini anglo-române prin cărţi şi călători” (“Anglo-Romanian Images through Books and Travellers”), in Tribuna, Cluj-Napoca, nr. 14-15, 16, 18, 19-20, 1998.

26. “Din nou la British Library: un document necunoscut privind propaganda protestantă a Marii Britanii în Moldova” (“Again at the British Library: an Unknown Document Regarding Britain’s Protestant Propaganda in Moldavia in the 18th century”), in Jurnalul de Mureş, Târgu-Mures, nr. 14, 1997, p. 7.

27. “Un manuscris necunoscut la British Library: «Tatăl Nostru» în româneşte cu caractere latine” (“An Unknown Manuscript at the British Library: «Our Father» in Romanian with Latin Characters «1603»”), in Jurnalul de Mureş, Târgu-Mureş, nr. 12, 1997, p. 7.

28. “Interviu cu Alan Brownjohn” (“Interview with Alan Brownjohn”), in Vatra, Târgu-Mureş, nr. 9, 1997, pp. 45-46.

29. “Contacte culturale datorate cărţilor engleze din bibliotecile luministe ale Transilvaniei” (“Cultural Intercourse through the British Books in the Enlightenment Libraries from Transylvania”), in Marisia, Târgu-Mureş, nr. 25, 1996, pp. 75-88.

30. “Cărţi engleze în bibliotecile luministe româneşti” (“British Books in Romanian Enlightenment Libraries”), in Biblioteca şi Cercetarea, Cluj-Napoca, nr. 19, 1995, pp. 34-59; nr. 20, 1996, pp. 47-78.

31. “Receptarea literaturii luministe engleze de către scriitorii români” (“The Reception of the English Enlightenment Literature by the Romanian Writers”), in Romanian American Confluences, vol. I, Târgu-Mureş, Mica Doris, 1995, pp. 124-138.

32. “Literatura engleză în Romania” (“English Literature in Romania”), in From Humanism to the Enlightenment, The Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities, Târgu-Mureş, 1994, pp. 143-152.

33. “Samuil Micu şi modelul filosofic iluminist englez” (“Samuil Micu and the British Philosophical Enlightenment Model”), in Şcoala Ardeleană, Târgu-Mureş, nr. 3, 1992, p. 8.

34. “Nicolae Iorga şi relaţiile României cu Europa apuseană” (“Nicolae Iorga and Romania’s Relations with Western Europe”), in Transilvania străbună, Târgu-Mureş, nr. 1-2, 1991, p. 9.

35. “Liviu Rebreanu şi George Bernard Shaw” (“Liviu Rebreanu and George Bernard Shaw”) in Researches in Social Sciences, The Institute for Social Sciences and the Humanities, Târgu-Mureş, 1988, pp.409-505.


Romanian American Confluences, (editor), Târgu-Mureş, “Mica Doris”, 1995; The English Enlightenment Model and its Transylvanian Reflections (1750-1850), Târgu-Mureş, “Mica Doris”, 1996. Romania and its Images in British Travel Writing. A Space of Cultural Frontier, Cluj-Napoca, Dacia, 2003, 450pp.


1. “The Image of Transylvania in British Literature”, in Journal of Dracula Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, 1999, pp. 38-48.

2. “England and English Literature in the Consciousness of the Romanian Intellectual Élite (1780-1830)”, in Journal of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Davis, USA, No. 20, 1995, pp. 113-125.

3. “Romania and its Images in 19th Century British Travel Literature. In-between Peripherality and Cultural Interference”,, Research Institute for Austrian and International Literature and Cultural Sciences, Vienna, 2003

4. “Looking for Romania. From Psychological Quest to Detective Investigation”, Clouds, No. 18, Summer/2004,


           Co-organizer together with Steven Totosy (Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Germany) and Magdalena Marsovszky (Viadrina University, Frankfurt an der Oder ) of the international conference “The Cultures of Post 1989 Central and East Europe”, Târgu-Mureş, 21-24 August 2003.
           Co-editor with Steven Totosy and Magdalena Marsovszky of “The New Central European Culture”, West Lafayette: Purdue University Press, series of “Books in Comparative Cultural Studies”, Thematic issue, CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture <> (2006). Forthcoming
           Vice-President of the AGRU (General Association of the Greek Catholic Romanians) in Târgu Mureş
