Canuklehead is a prominent and stand-up member of the internet. Born and raised in the snowy wastes of Canada, Canuklehead shares his name with the popular Marvel X-Man Wolverine; also a Canadian. Though he isn't really a fan of Wolverines, Canuklehead likes the name. A lot. You can find Canuklehead in various corners of the net and at his own website,


Mastering the art of walking at the young age of two, Canuklehead began his trek in life where every child does: Pre-School. Excelling in the first stages of life and majoring in the subjects of "Sandbox" and "Nap time", Canuklehead moved swiftly through to High School and on to college.

And now here he sits behind his computer, typing things into the internet to be etched into the digital imortality that is The Information Superhighway.

The origins of his name relate back to June 3rd of 2004, AD. On this date he became a member of The Ctrl-Alt-Del community, often refered to as "The n00b that never was". To this date he has managed to remain un-banned despite the questionalble content he has hidden in his older posts via editing. He is now often refered to as "wacko".

In September of 2004, Canuklehead created the online comic Canadaman. Spawning from a combination of patriotism, pride and boredom, Canadaman was originally an "avatar/Sig" combination Canuklehead would use on the CAD Forums. When his boredom hit it's ultimate peak in fall of '04, Canadaman was born; Following the heroic plights of Canada's premier superhero as he battles against would-be super villains.

Canuklehead is me.

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