User:Candida Dove D'silva/jigsaw learning

Jigsaw Learning:


Jigsaw is a co operative learning method that brings about both individual accountability and achievement of the team goals. This process derives it's name from the jigsaw puzzle as this processes involves in putting the parts of the assignment together to form a whole picture of the assignment which is similar to the jigsaw puzzle. the assignment is divided into parts and the class is also divided into the same number of groups as that of the assignment. Each of these groups is given a different topic and allowed to learn about it.

Steps involved in Jigsaw learning


First approach


  • Divide the assignment or daily studies into 5 or 6 parts.
  • Divide students into smaller groups of 5 to 6 based on the number of subtopics of the assignment.
  • Create groups to consisit of students from diverse interests and experts like gender,race,ability and ethnicity.
  • Each of the groups is given a topic from the assignment to prepare for.
  • Ask the respective teams to learn their respective topics nd get familiar with it.
  • shuffle the groups to form a new group consisting of 1 member from each group.
  • Each of them exchange their learning with the other member of the new team.
  • At the end of the session each of the members would have learnt all the topics of the assignment.

Second approach

  • Another approach would be to select champions from each group.
  • One student each is selected from their respective teams as champions members.
  • Ask each of these champions group members to explain their concept to their respective groups.
  • Champion group members have to float from group to group and explain their ideas to the group.
  • At the end of this session all the groups would have learnt all the topics.

  • This method engages students with coure materials.
  • student develop self teaching skills and also peer teaching skills.
  • Students learn team work by interacting with pers.
  • They develop sense of responsibility for their own learning.
  • Creates positive interdependency and improves students attitude towards school nd each others.
  • Students show individual accountability by understanding well enough the subject to teach others.
  • Students develop group problem solving ability to achieve group goals.
  • Promotes cooperation, active learning and valuing all student's contribution.
  • This is a versatile method that can be used in labs,field work, classrooms etc.

  • The transfer of knowledge depends on the learners depth of knowledge and understanding.
  • Lack of interest from students.



[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

  1. ^ (2015). Education world .Retrieved from
  2. ^ (2015). Education world .Retrieved from
  3. ^ (2015). The Jigsaw Classroom. Retrieved from
  4. ^ (2015). readwritethink. Retrieved from
  5. ^ (2015). Pedagogy in action. Retrieved from
  6. ^ (2014). iated Digital library. Retrieved from