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Dead Awaken


Dead Awaken is an internet text-based RPG run by a man known simply as Dan. The goal of the game is to gain virtual wealth and power

Text from Main Login Page Dead Awakening

It's been four months since the infestation occurred. Four months since the dead first began to rise from their graves to feast on the flesh of the living. The world as we knew it ceased to exist. Those that perished only came back to solidify the ranks of the undead. Just when we thought that all hope was lost, we discovered the key to our survival. We discovered that the zombies could be trained…

Now, here in the present day, we are facing a much more horrifying situation. What we once considered to be the key to our survival, has become our worst fear yet. The zombies are beginning to turn against us again. Only this time, they have the ability to think for themselves. They've learned how to use everyday objects as primitive weapons, making the zombies deadlier than ever. They're stronger, tougher and their numbers grow by the hour.

Join today and help us defeat the undead once and for all.

Or join the ranks of the undead and help bring about the destruction of mankind.



- Macros, Bots, Etc.
You must play the game yourself. Having the computer play for you is not allowed.

- Spamming
Do not spam with messages or on the message board.

- Multiple Accounts
We do not allow players to have multiple accounts. Obviously we can not make sure that everybody abides by this rule. However we do have ways of finding out if people have multiple accounts just to help one main one out. If you're caught doing this in any way (attacking, transferring, etc.) you will be quarantined.

- Harrassment
Harrassment of any type (verbal, emotional, sexual) is not allowed. This includes players and staff.

- Staff Impersonation
Do not pretend that you are one of the staff. This includes changing your name so that it is similar to a staff member's name, among other things.
- Stealing or Sharing Accounts
Under no circumstances should you log in to anybody's account but your own. In order for us to keep track of this you must not share your account with somebody else.

- Vulgar Language
Vulgar language will be tolerated to an extent. If it gets to the point of being offensive it will be stopped.

- Bug Abuse
If you find a loophole in the game, report it. If you continue to benefit from the bug, you will be quarantined.

- Hacking Hacking will most likely get you banned forever so don't do it.
